Feudalism in World History

A bibliographic checklist by Haines Brown, 1993

This is a checklist of books and articles on feudalism in world history prepared in 1993. Sections are linked to entries in the table of contents. Corrections and additions to this list would be very much appreciated (send to Haines Brown at brownh@hartford-hwp.com).

The user should be aware that because the compiler does not accept the Eurocentric empiricist definition of feudalism, much material concerning what are presumed to be feudal institutions in Europe is here omitted.

Table of Contents


Ashtor, Eliyahu. 1976.
A Social and Economic History of the Near East in the Middle Ages. Berkeley: California.
Black-Michaud, Jacob. 1975.
Cohesive Force: Feud in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Cahen, Claude. 1980.
"Technique et organisation socio-militaire dans le monde musulman 'classique.' Structures féodales et féodalisme dans l'occident Méditerranéen (Xe - XIIIe siècles)." Collection de l'école francaise. Rome 44: 691-698.
Centre d'études et de recherches marxistes. 1974.
Sur le féodalisme. Paris: éditions Sociales.
Critchley, John. 1978.
Feudalism. London: Allen & Unwin.
Deger-Jalkotzy, Sigrid. 1987.
"'Near Eastern Economics' versus 'Feudal Society'." Minos 20-22: 137-150.
Felber, Roland, and Merlene Njammasch. 1986.
"Besonderheiten und Gemeinsamkeiten in der Feudalismusentwicklung in Indien, China und Japan: Versuch einer Vergleichenden Analyse." Jahrbuch für Geschichte des Feudalismus 10: 9-27.
Gunawardana, R. A. L. H. 1975.
"The Analysis of Pre-Colonial Social Formations in Asia in the Writings of Karl Marx." The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities 1: 8-30.
Hrozny, Bedrich. 1947.
Histoire de l'Asie antérieure, de l'Inde, et de la Crète. Paris.
Joüon des Longrais, F.
L'Est et L'Ouest. Institutions du Japon et de l'Ouest comparés. Tokyo/Paris: 1958.
Joüon des Longrais, Frédéric. 1958.
L'Est et L'Ouest: Institutions du Japon et le l'Occident comparées. Paris/Tokyo: Maison Franco-Japonaise.
Krader, Lawrence. 1958.
"Feudalism and the Tartar Polity of the Middle Ages." Comparative Studies in Society and History 1: 76-99.
________. 1971.
Peoples of Central Asia. Bloomington: Indiana.
Laclau, Ernesto. 1971.
"Feudalism and Capitalism in Latin America." New Left Review, no. 67.
Lewis, Archibald R. 1969.
"The Midi, Buwayid Iraq, and Japan: Some Aspects of Comparative Feudalisms, A.D. 936-1050." Comparative Studies in Society and History 11: 47-53.
Ma Keyao. 1990.
Asian and European Feudalism: Three Studies in Comparative History. Copenhagen: East Asian Institute, University of Copenhagen.
Melikishvili, G. A. 1976.
"The Character of the Socioeconomic Structure in the Ancient Near East (A Preliminary Classification of Class Societies by Stage and Type)." Soviet Anthropology and Archaeology 15, no. 2/3: 29-49.
Pokora, Timoteus. 1966.
"A Theory of Periodization of World History." Archiv Orientalni 34: 602-605.
Russell, James W. 1989.
Modes of Production in World History. New York: Routledge.
Stern, Steve J. 1988.
"Feudalism, Capitalism, and the World System in the Perspective of Latin America and the Caribbean." American Historical Review 93: 829-872.
Toynbee, Arnold P., A. L. Kroeber, and et al. 1950.
Conference on Feudalism. Princeton: Institute for Advanced Study.
Vladimirtsov, B. Ya. 1948.
Le régime social des Mongols. Le féodalisme nomade. Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve.
Weber, Max. 1961.
General Economic History (1919-20). New York.
Werner, Ernst. 1963.
"Charakteristika des vorder-und mittelasiastischen Feudalismus." Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 11: 1134-1145.
________. 1962.
"De l'esclavage à la féodalité: La périodisation de l'histoire mondiale." Annales: ESC 17: 930-939.

Social Science

Abel, Richard L. 1973.
"A Comparative Theory of Dispute Institutions in Society." Law and Society Review 8: 216-347.
Abercrombie, Nicholas, Stephen Hill, and Bryan S. Turner. 1980.
The Dominant Ideology Thesis. Boston: Allen & Unwin.
Abrahamian, Ervand. 1975.
"European Feudalism and Middle Eastern Despotisms." Science and Society 39: 129-156.
Amin, Samir. 1985.
"Modes of Production, History and Unequal Development (Communication)." Science and Society 49: 194-207.
Balandier, Georges. 1970.
Political Anthropology. New York: Pantheon.
Balibar, étienne. 1970.
"From Periodization to the Modes of Production." Reading Capital, Pt.II, ch. I, pp.209-224. Louis Althusser. London.
Banaji, Jairus. 1977.
"Modes of Production in a Materialist Conception of History." Capital and Class , no. 3: 1-44.
________. 1976.
"The Peasantry in the Feudal Mode of Production: Towards an Economic Model." Journal of Peasant Studies 3: 299-320.
Barg, M. A., and V. N. Nikiforov. 1977.
"Feudalism." The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, New York: Macmillan.
Bentzien, Ulrich. 1980.
Bauernarbeit im Feudalismus. Berlin.
Bhaduri, Amit. 1973, March.
"Agricultural Backwardness under Semi-Feudalism." Economic Journal 83, no. 329.
Bloch, Marc. 1931.
"Feudalism, European." Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, 203-210. New York: Macmillan.
Bois, Guy. 1978.
"Against the Neo-Malthusian Orthodoxy." Past and Present, no. 79: 60-69.
Braitschewski, Michael. 1968.
"Zum Problem der feudalen Synthese." Das Altertum 14: 97-103.
Brenner, Robert. 1977.
"The Origins of Capitalist Development: A Critique of Neo-Smithian Marxism." New Left Review , no. 104: 25-92.
Brown, Elizabeth A. R. 1974.
"The Tyranny of a Construct: Feudalism and Historians of Medieval Europe." American Historical Review 79: 1963-1088.
Brunner, Otto. 1968.
"Feudalism: The History of a Concept." Lordship and Community in Medieval Europe, Editor Fredrich Cheyette. New York.
Byres, T. J., and Mukhia, Harbars. Editors. 1985.
Feudalism and Non-European Societies. London: Biblio Dist Center (Totowa).
Cook, C. Scott. 1976.
"Value, Price and Simple Commodity Production: The Case of the Zapotec Stoneworkers." Journal of Peasant Studies 3.
Coulborn, Rushton. 1956.
Feudalism in History. Princeton: Princeton.
Dobb, Maurice H. 1962, September.
"From Feudalism to Capitalism." Marxism Today.
___________. 1963².
Studies in the Development of Capitalism. New York: International/New World paperback.
___________. 1963.
"The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism." Our History, no. No. 29.
Dunham, William Huse. 1958.
"Review of Bryce D Lyon, From Fief to Indenture: The Transition from Feudal to Non-Feudal Contract in Western Europe (Cambridge MA: Harvard, 1956)." Speculum 33: 300-304.
Duplessis, Robert S. 1977, December.
"From Demesne to World System: A Critical Review of the Literature on the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism." Radical History Review 4: 3-41.
Engels, Frederick. 1884.
"The Decline of Feudalism and the Rise of the Bourgeoisie."
Evans-Pritchard, Edward E. 1961.
Anthropology and History: A Lecture Delivered in the University of Manchester. Manchester : Manchester.
Felber, Roland, and Marlene Njammasch. 1986.
"Besonderheiten und Gemeinsamkeiten in der Feudalismusentwicklung in Indien, China und Japan: Versuch einer Verglichenden Analyse." Jahrbuch der Geschichte Feudalismus 10: 9-27.
"Feudalism and Non-European Societies." 1985, January.
Journal of Peasant Studies, no. Special Issue.
Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis. 1890.
Les Origines du système féodal.
Genet, J. Ph., et al. Editors. 1982.
Compte Rendu des Séances de la Société d'Etude du Féodalisme. III-IV (1979-80). Paris.
Gluckman, Max. 1955.
"The Peace in the Feud." Past and Present 8: 1-14.
Gottlieb, Roger. 1984.
"Feudalism and Historical Materialism: A Critique and a Synthesis." Science and Society 48: 1-37.
Habib, Irfan. 1969.
"Problems of Marxist Historical Analysis." Enquiry (New Delhi) n.s. 3: 52-68.
Harrison, Mark. 1977, July.
"The Peasant Mode of Production in the Work of A. V. Chayanov." The Journal of Peasant Studies 4: 323-225.
Heller, Henry. 1985.
"The Transition Debate in Historical Perspective." Science and Society 49: 208-213.
Hilton, Rodney H. 1978.
"A Crisis of Feudalism." Past and Present, No. 80.
Hilton, Rodney, and Maurice Dobb, Paul Sweezy, H. Takahashi, and Christopher Hill. 1976.
The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism. London: New Left Books/Humanities.
Hindess, Barry, and Paul Q. Hirst. 1975.
Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Hintze, Otto. 1929.
"Wesen und Verbreitung des Feudalismus." Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 20.
Hoebel, E. Adamson. 1971.
Feud: Concept, Reality, and Method in the Study of Primitive Law. Desai, A. R., Editor. Essays on Modernization of Underdeveloped Societies, I. Bombay: Thacker & Co.: pp. 500-513.
Hobsbawm, Eric. 1964.
"Introduction." Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations, 9-65. Karl Marx. New York: International Publishers.
Holton, Robert. 1981.
"Marxist Theories of Social Change and the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism." Theory and Society 10: 833-867.
Hoselitz, Bert F. 1957.
"On Comparative History." World Politics 9: 267-279.
Kamenka, Eugene and R. S. Neal. Editors. 1975.
Feudalism, Capitalism and Beyond. London: Arnold.
Katz, Claudio J. 1989.
From Feudalism to Capitalism: Marxian Theories of Class Struggle and Social Change. New York: Greenwood.
Krader, Lawrence. 1958.
"Feudalism and the Tartar Polity of the Middle Ages." Comparative Studies in Society and History 1: 76-99.
Kuchenbuch, Ludolf. 1983.
"Bäuerliche Ökonomie und feudale Produktionsweise—Ein Beitrag zur Weltsystemdebatte aus mediävistischer Sicht." Perspektiven des Weltsystems, 112-141. Editor Jochen Blaschke. Frankfurt.
Kula, Witold. 1976.
An Economic Theory the Feudal System: Towards a Model of the Polish Economy 1500-1800. London.
________. 1970.
Theorie économique du système féodale: pour un model de l'économie polonaise 16e-18e siècles. Le Havre: Mouton.
Küttler, Wolfgang. 1986.
"Grundlagen geschichtswissenschaftlicher Typisierung. Marxistisch-leninistische Positionen und Max Webers Idealtypische Methode." Marxistische Typisierung und idealtypische Methode in der Geschichteswissensfhaft, 11-59. Editor Wolfgang Küttler. Berlin: Akademie der Wissenschaften, Zentralinstitut für Geschichte.
Küttler, Wolfgang, and Gerhard Lozek. 1970.
"Die historische Gestzmassigkeit der Gesellschaftsformationen als Dialektik von Ereignis, Struktur und Entwicklung." Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 18, no. 9: 1117-1145.
Laclau, Ernesto. 1971.
"Feudalism and Capitalism in Latin America." New Left Review , no. 67: 19-55.
Laibman, David. 1984.
"Modes of Production and Theories of Transition." Science and Society 48: 257-294.
Lattimore, Owen. 1957.
"Feudalism in History (review of R. Coulborn, Feudalism in History)." Past and Present , no. 12: 47-57.
Leach, Edmund. 1985.
"Talking about Talking about Feudalism." Feudalism: Comparative Studies, 6-24. Editors Edmund Leach, S. N. Mukherjee, and John Ward. Sydney: Sydney Association for Studies in Society and Culture.
Leach, Edmund, S. N. Mukherjee, and John Ward. Editors. 1985.
Feudalism: Comparative Studies. Sydney: Sydney Association for Studies in Society and Culture.
Lehman, W. C. 1952.
"John Millar, historical Sociologist: Some Remarkable Anticipation of Modern Sociology." British Journal of Sociology 3: 30-46.
Lewis, Archibald R. 1978.
Knights and Samurai: Feudalism in Northern France and Japan. London: Temple Smith.
Lyon, Bryce. 1963.
"The Feudalism of Marc Bloch." Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 76: 275-283.
Markov, G. E. 1981.
"Ausbeutungs-und Abhängigkeitsverhältnisse bei den Nomaden Asiens." Die Nomaden in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 13-. Berlin.
Mukherjee, S. N. 1985.
"The Idea of Feudalism: from the Philosophes to Karl Marx." Feudalism: Comparative Studies, 25-39. Editors Edmund Leach, S. N. Mukherjee, and John Ward. Sydney: Sydney Association for Studies in Society and Culture.
Murray, Martin.
"Recent Views on the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism." Socialist Revolution , no. 34: 64-91.
Müller-Mertens, Eckhard. Editor. 1985.
Feudalismus. Entstehung und Wesen. Berlin: Akademische Verlag.
Parain, Charles. 1974.
"Caractères généaux du fédalisme." Sur le féodalisme, 13-17. Centre d'études et de Recherches Marxistes. Paris: Editions Sociales.
_________. 1967.
"Comment caracteriser 'un mode de production?'." La Pensée, no. 132: 48-52.
Prawer, Joshua, and Shmuel N. Eisenstadt. 1968.
"Feudalism." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, vol. 6 [?], 393-403. New York.
Rader, Trout. 1971.
The Economics of Feudalism. New York: Gordon and Breach.
Rodolsky, R. 1951, June.
"The Distribution of the Agrarian Product in Feudalism." Journal of Economic History 11, no. 3: 247-265.
Saltman, Michael. 1987.
"Feudal Relationships and the Law: A Comparative Inquiry." Comparative Studies in Society and History 29: 514-532.
Strayer, Joseph R., and Rushton Coulborn. 1965.
"The Idea of Feudalism." Feudalism in History, 3-11. Editor Rushton Coulborn. Hamden CT: Archon.
Structures féodales et féodalisme dans l'occident Méditerranéen (Xe - XIIIe siècles).1980.
école française de Rome.
Sweezy, Paul. 1976.
"A Critique." The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism, Maurice Dobb, and et al. London: New Left Books.
________. 1978.
"A Note on Feudalism." The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism, Maurice Dobb, and et al. London: New Left Books.
Töpfer, Bernhard. 1974.
"Zu einigen Grundfragen des Feudalismus. Ein Diskussionsbeitrag." Feudalismus, 221-254. Editor Heide Wunder. München: Nymphenburger.
_________. 1983.
"Ursachen für Fortschritte und Stagnationsercheinungen in der Feudalgesellschaft." Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 31: 132-146.
Vasili'ev, L. S., and Stuchevskii. 1967.
"Three Models for the Origin and Evolution of Precapitalist Societies." Soviet Review 8, no. 3: 26-39.
Ward, John O. 1985
"Feudalism: Interpretive Category or Framework of Life in the Medieval West?" Feudalism: Comparative Studies, 40-67. Editor Edmund Leach, S. N. Mukherjee, and John Ward. Sydney.
Weber, Max. 1947.
The Theory of Social and Economic Organization.
Welskopf, Elisabeth Charlotte. 1964.
"Antwort eines Historikers." Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 12: 721-737.
Wickham, Chris. 1985.
"The Uniqueness of the East." Journal of Peasant Studies 12.
Wunder, Heide. Editor. 1971.
Feudalismus. München: Nymphenburger Verlag.
Yushkov, S. 1946.
"On the Question of the Pre-Feudal ('Barbarian') State." Voprosy istorii 7.
Zakyhthinos, D. D. 1948.
"Processus de féodalisation." L'Hellenisme contemporaine 2: 499-534.


Ahrweiler, Hélène. 1980.
"Le pronoia à Byzance. Structures féodales et féodalisme dans l'Occident méditerranéen (Xe - XIIIe siècles)." Collection de l'école française Rome 44: 681-689.
Anderson, Perry. 1974.
Lineages of the Absolutist State. Atlantic Highlands: Humanities/Verso.
________. 1974.
Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism. New York: Routledge/Verso.
Andreev, Mihail. 1967.
"Zur Frage des Übergangs von der Sklaverei zum Feudalismus und zur Entstehung frühester feudaler Verhältnisse." Klio 49: 305-312.
Aston, Trevor H. and Ch. H. E. Philpin. Editors. 1985.
The Brenner Debate: Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe. New York: Cambridge.
Aymard, Maurice. 1982.
"From Feudalism to Capitalism in Italy: The Case that Doesn't Fit." Review 6: 131-208.
Bachrach, Bernard. 1970.
"Charles Martel, Shock Combat, the Stirrup and Feudalism." Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History 7: 47-75.
Baechler, Jean, J. A. Hall and M. Mann. Editors. [date not set '87]
Europe and the Rise of Capitalism. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Barker, Philip. 1985.
"The Politics of Primogeniture: Sex, Consciousness and Social Organization in North Western Europe (900-1250 A.D.)." Feudalism: Comparative Studies, 87-104. Editors Edmund Leach, and et al. Sydney: Sydney Association for Studies of Society and Culture.
Baron, Samuel H. 1977.
"Feudalism or the Asiatic Mode of Production: Alternative Interpretations of Russian History." Windows on the Russian Past, Editor Samuel H. Baron, and Nancy W. Heer. Columbus OH.
________. 1969.
"The Town in 'feudal' Russia." Slavic Review 18: 116-122.
Bartlett, Robert J. 1986.
"Technique militaire et pouvoir politique, 900-1300." Annales ESC 41: 1135-1159.
Bartmuss, Hans Joachim, and Rigobert Günther. 1982.
"Klassenkämpfe und Volksbewegungen in den vorfeudalen Klassengeschellschaften und in frühfeudaler Zeit." Zeitschrift für Geschichteswissenschaft 30: 916-.
Beck, Hans Georg. 1965.
Byzantinischen Gefolgschaftswesen. Munich: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschafter.
Beeler, John. 1971.
Warfare in Feudal Europe, 730-1200. Ithaca NY: Cornell.
Bennett, Michael. 1985.
"The English Experience of Feudalism." Feudalism: Comparative Studies, 124-135. Editors Edmund Leach, and et al. Sydney.
Bentzien, U. 1980.
Bauernarbeit im Feudalismus. Berlin.
Birioukovitch, V., and I. Levitsk. 1963.
"Le Moyen Age." Le Féodalisme, 5-25. Paris.
Bisson, Thomas N. 1978.
"The Problem of Feudal Monarchy: Aragon, Catalonia and France." Speculum 53: 460-478.
Blaut, J. M. 1989.
"[rev. of Baechler-Hall-Mann '88]." Progress in Human Geography 13, no. 3: 441-448.
Bleiber, Waltraut. 1973.
"Politische Macht und sozialökonomische Grundlagen bei der Ausbildung feudal Verhältnisse in West- und Mitteleuropa." Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 21: 810-829.
Bloch, Marc. 1912.
"Les formes de la rupture de l'hommage dans l'ancien droit féodal." Nouvelle revue historique de droit française et étranger 36: 141-177.
________. 1932.
"Feudalism: European." Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences, vol. 6, 203-210; bibliography on p. 219. London.
________. 1939.
La société féodale. I. La formation des liens de dépendence. II. Les classes et le gouvernement des hommes. Paris.
________. 1961.
Feudal Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Bois, Guy. 1976.
Crise du féodalisme: économie rurale et démographie en Normandie orientale du début du 14e siècle au mileiu du 16e siècle. Paris: Editions de l'école des Haustes études en Sciences Sociales.
________. 1984.
The Crisis of Feudalism: Economy and Society in Eastern Normandy c.1300 - 1500. New York: Cambridge.
Bonnaissié, Pierre. 1991.
From Slavery to Feudalism. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Boulainvilliers, H. de. 1727.
Etat de la France/Histoire de l'ancien gouvernement de la France (1727). London.
Boussard, Jacques. 1986.
"Services féodaux, milices et mercenaires dans les armées en France au Xe et XIe siècles." Ordimenti militari in Occidente nell'alto medievale, i, 131-168. Spoleto.
Boutruche, Robert. 1968.
Seigneurie et féodalité. Paris: Aubier.
Brenner, Robert. 1976.
"Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe." Past and Present , no. 70: 30-75.
Bresc, Henri. 1944.
"Féodalité coloniale en terre d'Islam. La Sicile (1070-1240). Structures féodales et féodalisme dans l'occident méditerranéen." Collection de l'école française Rome, 1980, pp. 631-647.
Brown, Elizabeth A. R. 1974.
"The Tyranny of a Construct: Feudalism and Historians of Medieval Europe." American Historical Review 79: 1063-1088.
Cahen, C. 1940.
Le régime féodal de l'Italie normand. Paris.
Calmette, Jean. 1938.
La société féodale. Paris.
Cam, H. M. 1940.
"The Decline and Fall of English Feudalism." History 25: 216-233.
Cammarosano, Paolo. 1981.
"Le strutture feudali nell'evoluzione dell'Occidente mediterraneo: note sur un coloquio internazionale (rev. art.)." Studi medievali (Turin) 22, no. 2: 837-870.
Carcassonne, E. 1927.
Montesquieu et le problème de la constitution française au XVIII siècle. Paris.
Carile, Antonio. 1980.
"Signoria rurale e feudalesimo nell/impero latino dio Constantinopoli (1204-1261); Structures féodales et féodalisme dans l'Occident méditerranéen (Xe - XIIIe siècles)." Collection de l'Ecole Française Rome 44: 667-678.
Charanis, Peter. 1951.
"On the Social Structure and Economic Organization of the Byzantine Empire in the Thirteenth Century and Later." Byzantinoslavica 12: 94-153.
Chirot, Daniel. 1985.
"The Rise of the West." American Sociological Review 50: 181-195.
Collins, Randall. 1980.
"Weber's Last Theory of Capitalism: A Systematization." American Sociological Review 45: 925-942.
Cronne, H. A. 1940.
"Historical Revisions, xci. The Origins of Feudalism." History 24: 251-259.
Czok, Karl. 1973.
"Charakter und Entwicklund des feudalen deutschen Territorialstaates." Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 21: 925-949.
Dean, Trevor. 1988.
Land and Power in Late Medieval Ferrara: The Rule of the Este, 1350-1450. New York: Cambridge.
Diesner, Hans Joachim. 1971.
"Der Übergang von Sklavenhalter—Feudalsystem." Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte , no. 2: 193-210.
Dobb, Maurice. 1963².
Studies on the Development of Capitalism. New York: International.
____________. 1976.
"From Feudalism to Capitalism." The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism, 165-169. Editors Rodney Hilton, and et al. London: New Left Books.
Dobb, Maurice. 1963².
Studies on the Development of Capitalism. New York: International.
Dockès, Pierre. 1982.
Medieval Slavery and Liberation. Chicago: Chicago.
Dopsch, Alfons. 1932.
"Beneficialwesen und Feudalität." Mitteilungen des Oesterrreichischen Instituts für Geschichtsforschung 46: 1-36.
Duby, Georges. 1962
"La Seigneurie banale." L'Economie rurale et la vie des campagnes dans l'occident médiéval, Paris: Aubier.
________. 1982.
The Three Orders: Feudal Society Imagined. Chicago: Chicago.
Elwood, Ralph C. Editor. 1984.
Russian and East European History; Selected papers from the Second World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies. Berkeley: Slavic.
Engels, Friedrich.
"Über den Verfall des Feudalismus und das Aufkommen der Bourgeoisie." Werke, vol. 21, 392-401.
Finley, Moses I. 1957.
"The Mycenaean Tablets and Economic History." Economic History Review 10: 128-141.
Fourquin, Guy. 1970.
Seigeurie et féodalité au moyen âge. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1970.
________. 1976.
Lordship and Feudalism in the Middle Ages. New York: Pica.
Ganshof, François L. , 1961²
Feudalism. New York: Harpers.
Gasparri, Stefano. 1981, July.
"Il feudalesimo nell'Occidente mediterraneo." Studi Storici 22: 631-645.
Gringmuth-Dallmer, Eike. 1985.
"Der frühgeschichtliche Landausbau als Element der Produktivkraftentwicklung." Produktivkräfte und Produktionsverhältnisse, 311-323. Berlin.
Guichard, Pierre. 1980.
"Le problème de l'existence de structures de type 'féodale' dans la société d'al' Andalus (l'example de la région valencienne). Structures féodale et féodalisme dans l'occident méditerranéen (Xe - XIIIe siècles)." Collection de l'école française Rome 44: 699-725.
Gurevich, Aaron J. 1979.
Feudalismens uppkomst i västeuropa. Trans. Marie-Anne Aahlin. Stockholm: Tidens förlag.
Gurevich, Aron Iakovlevich. 1970.
Problemy genezisa feodalizma v. Zapadnoi Europe. Moscow.
Günther, Rigobert. 1967.
"Coloni liberi und coloni originarii; einige Bemerkungen zum spätantikes Kolonat." Klio 12: 267-270.
Haldon, John. 1989.
"The Feudalism Debate Once More: The Case of Byzantium." Journal of Peasant Studies 17: 5-40.
Herbert, Sydney. 1921.
The Fall of Feudalism in France. London: Methuen.
Herlihy, David. Editor. 1970.
The History of Feudalism. Atlantic Highlands: Humanities.
Hilton, Rodney H. 1974.
"Peasant Society, Peasant Movements and Feudalism in Medieval Europe." Rural Protest, 67-94. Editor Henry Landsberger. London: Macmillan.
___________. 1984.
"Feudalism in Europe: Problems for Historical Materialists." New Left Review 147: 84-93.
___________. 1990².
Class Conflict and the Crisis of Feudalism: Essays in Medieval Social History. New York: Verso/Routledge.
Hilton, Rodney et al. Editors. 1976.
The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism. London: New Left Books.
Hilton, Rodney H., and P. H. Sawyer. 1963.
"Technical Determinism: The Stirrup and the Plough." Past and Present, no. 24: 90-100.
Hintze, Otto. 1929.
"Wesen und Verbreitung des Feudalismus." Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-Hist. Klasse: 321-347.
Hobsbawm, Eric J. 1975.
"From Babylon to Manchester (review of Anderson)." New Statesman 89: 177-178.
________. 1976.
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