[World History Archives]

World history of labor rights
and labor standards

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   The political circumstances of the world's working class

   The social democratic linkeage of a social clause with trade
   Contradictions of the ILO conventions
Oxfam challenges the World Bank's policies on labour market deregulation
Oxfam UK/I, SAPs NEWS, 1 April 1996. an Oxfam UKI policy advisor and Chilean NGO activist researcher met with World Bank officials to challenge the Bank's labour intensive export led growth strategy. Presenting indepth research on Chile's flexible labour market they argued that labour market deregulation should not should not be considered a magic recipe for job creation.
Labor Rights Campaigns Gear Up for Holidays: leafleting actions planned
Campaign for Labor Rights, Labour News, 4 December 1996. Example of various international labor rights campaigns.
Labour Rights as Human Rights: Implications of the International Consensus
By Roy J. Adams, 4 January 1999. A paper that places labor rights into the context of human rights. Included in the original U.N. code or rights was an affirmation that Freedom of Association is a fundamental human right, which includes collective bargaining. All ILO member states have an obligation to respect, to promote and to realize them. If collective bargaining is a human right, then the most common of industrial relations practices in North America are morally wrong.
Social charter for Faber-Castell
IG Metall press release, 7 March 2000. Example of privately negotiated labor rights. Metall has signed an agreement with the German multinational which guarantees minimum social standards. The standards follow proposed by the ILO.
Millennium Project
By the International Centre for Trade Union Rights (ICTUR), 13 July 2000. ICTUR, together with the Institute of Employment Rights, a UK labour law think tank, will set out fundamental basic trade union rights and then campaign for their incorporation into international instruments and domestic law by national governments.