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From rmcgehee@igc.org Fri Feb 18 11:14:06 2000
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 22:54:04 -0600 (CST)
From: Ralph McGehee <rmcgehee@igc.org>
Subject: CIA: Drug War An Excuse For Counterinsurgency
Organization: MindSpring Enterprises
Article: 89366
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
X-UIDL: 98626a9edcd9353e0bc5e9c3b93acddf

Drug war an excuse for counterinsurgency

Edited from a recent Associated Press release by Ranlph McGhee, 17 February 2000

Wouldn’t such honesty be refreshing—but never in this world.

CIA estimates shows an increase in Colombian cocaine production. (RMC Comment: How does the CIA know this—in Vietnam and elsewhere it pretty much made up figures to sell/support policy—it never proved its figures. Recall its estimates said East Germany was economically more productive than West Germany—take CIA estimates with huge blocks of salt).

Drug Czar McCaffrey said about three-fourths of the U.S. aid package would pay for the 63 helicopters and training for two new army counter-drug battalions. The units will retake rebel-held southern jungles. While dismissing the terrible quagmire issue,> we recognize leftist rebel units would be legitimate objectives of U.S. assisted Colombian troops. . . Armed resistance is expected from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia and violent protests from tens of thousands of peasants. . .operations to displace thousands. AP 2/15/00.

Deja Vu All over Again