POWs and the Geneva Convention

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The Missing Iraqi POWs and the Geneva Convention
By Eric Garris, 23 March 2003. General Franks that the US was currently holding 1,000-2,000 Iraqi prisoners; What happened to the other Iraqis who surrendered? Hussein issued a statement that all Geneva Convention rights of POWs taken by Iraq will be respected. However, he has already broken this by showing films of allied POWs on Iraqi TV. However, Fox News filled the airwaves on Saturday showing Iraqi POWs, up close and looking humiliated. Military handlers guided the camera crew through the groups of POWs.
Five PoWs are mistreated in Iraq and the US cries foul: What about Guantanamo Bay?
By George Monbiot, The Guardian, 25 March 2003. Article 13 of the third Geneva convention, concerning the treatment of prisoners, insists that they must at all times be protected. . .against insults and public curiosity. Rumfeld’s prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, where 641 men (nine of whom are British citizens) are held, breaches no fewer than 15 articles of the third convention.