Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 00:04:41 -0400
Sender: Pan-Africa Discussion List <AFRICA-L@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
From: David Sullivan <sullidav@ECHONYC.COM>
Subject: TransAfrica

TransAfrica: Patrotic Youth Movement of Nigeria

By David Sullivan <>
22 April, 1995

I'm surprised there was not more discussion here of the "Patriotic Youth Movement of Nigeria" ad in Thursday's Times and the response ad in today's paper. I was gratified to see that Randall Robinson did not step down (of course) from the good fight, and that so many major African-American leaders stood behind him.

Does anyone know more about the "Patriotic Youth Front" & all the other organizations & companies that signed the Thursday ad (telling Randall Robinson to keep out of other people's business & insinuating that he has an unfair advantage over the poor weak Nigerian government because he is well-funded & well-connected to the media)? They were about 25 groups with names like Club 30 of Abuja & of Lagos, Congress of Nigerians Abroad, Mobbar Investments Inc., The Igbo Union of Atlanta. Are these real independent organizations, or government fronts? Was one of the major DC PR firms behind the Thursday ad?