The history of children and youth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Paedophilia Threatens Congo's Retreat, Seaport City
By Louis Patrick Okamba, PANA, 10 August 2000. During the 1997 civil war in the DRC, Pointe-Noire seaport in the south became an important retreat centre for people and services. Perverse sexual behaviour is endangering many lives.
Congolese Rebels Accused of Drafting Children
Child Labour News Service Press Release, 5 June 2001. The major rebel group in eastern Congo continues to recruit children to wage war against the Congolese government. Recruitment efforts since late 2000 by the Congolese Rally for Democracy-Goma (RCD-Goma) and the Rwandan army troops who support it.
Children Suffer Torture, Rape And Cruelty, NGOs Report
UN Integrated Regional Information Networks, 18 June 2003. Systematic torture and cruelty during the country's five-year war. the largest humanitarian crisis on the planet right now with the smallest amount of response.