Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 17:19:56 -0200
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From: ANC Information <>

ANC statement on Truth Commission Committee

14 March, 1996

In preparation for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to begin its work in earnest, the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress has established a sub-committee, to deal with the ANC's input into the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The sub-committee, which is comprised of 16 NEC members, has set up a truth commission desk based at ANC headquarters. This desk will have the responsibility of:

The National Executive Committee has considered also the issue of temporary immunities extended to a number of its leaders and members by the previous apartheid regime. These temporary immunities were designed to cover people who were to enter South Africa for the purpose of conducting negotiations in order to bring about a peaceful solution.

Now that we are on the verge of completing the final constitution, these objectives have been achieved. It is for this reason that the NEC has concluded that these temporary immunities no longer serve any purpose. It has therefore renounced the temporary immunities.

The ANC has written to the Minister of Justice Dullah Omar, requesting him to withdraw the said immunities immediately. The ANC has informed these people of the decision of the NEC.

Apartheid was a crime against humanity, and the struggle against apartheid was pronounced by the whole international community to be just. It is a matter of great pride to the ANC and the people of South Africa, that we have achieved our historical mission through this struggle.

The actions of those who fought to maintain apartheid cannot be equated - morally or politically - with the actions of those who fought for democracy, peace and justice.

Nevertheless, the ANC will never condone any human rights violations which may have been committed by freedom fighters during the heat of the struggle. The ANC has already made public the findings of the Motsuenyane and Skweyiya Commissions, for which our entire NEC has taken collective responsibility.

The ANC will submit its record, leaders and members to the scrutiny of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. We have nothing to hide. Instead we want to help create a climate in which the healing process of our nation is enhanced.

The African National Congress will respect the independence of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and will co-operate with it to the fullest extent.

The African National Congress calls on all our branches and structures to mobilise people in all our communities: in townships, suburbs, informal settlements, rural areas, workplaces and elsewhere to enable them to organise their evidence with regard to crimes against humanity and to place such evidence before the truth commission.

Issued by:
African National Congress
Department of Information and Publicity
PO Box 61884

14 March 1996

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