The IT, media, and telecommunications
of Native Americans in the United States

Hartford Web Publishing is not the author of the documents in World History Archives and does not presume to validate their accuracy or authenticity nor to release their copyright.

Native American Communications Council established
Press Release, 13 January 1995. NACC established to develop Native American telecommunications.
3 May 1995. An announcement.
Telecommunications Technology and Native Americans: Opportunities and Challenges
OTA Report on Native Telecommunications, 23 August 1995. Re. the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment report, Telecommunications Technology and Native Americans: Opportunities dnd Challenges, which is excellent. Access to it.
Business as Usual!
By Larry Kibbey, 27 October 1995. Why is the need for Tribal access to the Internet Important? The Federal budget cuts will adversely affect mmuch needed Indian Programs. The recent BIA layoffs, with 1,500 at the tribal and agency level. Importance of urging Clinton to veto the budget bill. The Internet is an important tool for communications nation wide for our tribes.
Benton releases report on Native Ameicans and telecommunications technology
27 May 1999. Increasingly, Native Americans are recognizing that telecommunications and information technologies are essential to their future prosperity. Many tribes are only in the early stages of this endeavor and federal agencies, foundations, businesses and policy makers have yet to fully include tribes and Indian people in growth and development opportunities in the telecommunications and technology sectors.
A Nation Online, But Where Are the Indians?
By Kade Twist, 12 March 2002. American Indian leaders and federal policymakers awaiting the latest data for Internet use among Native American households will have to continue waiting. On February 5, the National Telecommunications and Information administration (NTIA) released A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use of the Internet, its first study of American Internet use to be released under the Bush administration. Unfortunately, A Nation Online excludes data relating to American Indians.