The contemporary political history
of Native Mexico

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Six Principles for a New Mexican State
Abya Yala News, Fall 1994. Article based on a proposal written by the Independent Indian Peoples Front (FIPI) and the Committee for the Support and Defense of Indian Rights (CADDIAC). After consultating with Indigenous organizations, FIPI contributed this document to the working roundtables established at the National Democratic Convention.
Huasteca veracruzana
Indigenas Veracruzanos Huyen del Acoso Policiaco, 21 June 1995. Concerning the Huasteca (in Spanish).
Announcing a gathering of Indigenous peoples of Northern Mexico
26 June 1996. The indigenous peoples of Chihuahua's Sierra Madre will gather in Baborigame, Chihuahua, July 26-29. The event is sponsored by CASMAC (Consejo Asesor Sirra Madre, A.C., an indigenous rights organization that helps protect the native peoples and forests of the Sierras from the encroachment of increasing narcotics trafficking and illegal logging.
New Relationship Between Indigenous Peoples and State
MexPax Analysis #71, Heartbeat of Mexico, 8 March 1996. Although the Zapatista uprising and its sequel have focused the spotlight on the movement for indigenous autonomy, such demands have long been expressed by aboriginal groups and encompass far more ethnic groups than those in the state of Chiapas who share a common Mayan ancestry. Fifth National Indigenous Plural Assembly for Autonomy (ANIPA), held the last week in April in Chilapa, Guerrero.
Congress calls uprising to protect districts
The Irish Times, Wednesday 20 May 1998. Mexico's indigenous people rallied to the cause of the Chiapas rebels, announcing the creation of Zapatista-style autonomous districts in five states which stretch halfway across the country. Chiapas governor Guillen after dismantled two. Tbe CNI responded by calling for a national uprising and the creation of autonomous districts beyond Chiapas.
In Mexico, a quest for autonomy: Indigenous groups seek greater say in local affairs
By Laurie Goering, The Chicago Tribune, 15 June 2001. In April Congress approved constitutional reforms to give Mexico's 62 indigenous groups new rights and a measure of autonomy. They were a precondition to peace with the Zaptista rebels of Chiapas and were based on the San Andres peace accords of 1996. But what emerged from Congress was a watered-down law that even President Vicente Fox--who proposed the bill--no longer supports.
Indigenous farmers fight land seizures, win concessions
By Adrian Garcia, Workers World, 25 July 2002. Zapata's call for land and liberty nearly a century ago is very much alive among working people. Indigenous farmers from San Salvador Atenco and neighboring communities embarked on almost weekly protests in Mexico City. The Mexican government's plans to expropriate their land in order to build a six-runway airport.