The contemporary political history of
Native Americans in Canada as a whole

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Aboriginal Defence League
By Meegwetch, Brave Star, 6 March 1995. Demonstrating on Parliament Hill in Ottawa against the Liberal Government's broken promises to the native people of Canada. The issue of taxation became the lightening rod for the broader issues. The issues are that of respect and protection of our rights as contractually agreed to by the colonizers. The purpose of the Aboriginal Defence League.
Letter of Thoughts on Indian Country
By John Walter, 9 August 1995. A student writes: Had the treaties with the Crown been respected, the infrastructures (housing, water, schools, health services, roads, etc) would be adequate in every First Nation community today. The First Nations are still holding up their side of the bargain, but subjects of the Crown are still permitted to occupy parts of our lands & build their cities & businesses, their families & their lives. . .. And, compared to their original home, they can do so in peace, freedom and a huge, rich, clean environment.
Spirit of rebellion sweeps Canada's First Nations
By Allen Harris, 13 October 1995. In Canada, the native people are known as the First Nations, but under the present economic and social system there, they are the last and among the poorest. It is no surprise that this year has seen an upsurge in revolutionary actions taken across that country. This is a continuation of the trend that came to international attention in 1990 with the armed confrontation between Mohawk warriors and the police in the town of Oka, Quebec.
First Nations protest celebration of genocide
By Mahtowin, Workers World, 10 July 1997. As Canada celebrated the 500th anniversary of the discovery of Newfoundland and Labrador, Native protesters came out to demand justice and to commemorate the genocide of Indigenous peoples.
Natives win on land rights: Top court rules that oral history gives bands constitutional claim in absence of treaties
By Robert Matas, Erin Anderssen, Sean Fine, The Globe and Mail, 12 December 1997. Vancouver and Ottawa and Toronto—Native people have a constitutional right to own their ancestral lands and to use them almost entirely as they wish, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled. This ruling is explosive in parts of Atlantic Canada and most of British Columbia.
N'Daakiimmiinan, Waagoonen Kaynaagiishkaamang; Our Land, our Future
A statement by Pikangikum First Nation, to the First Nations gathering, Toronto, September 2002. As First Nation people facing threats to our very survival, we have come together from various parts of Canada. We have to support each other. Social crisis: suicide, drugs, alchohol, hunger. Our problem is not that we are poo, but one of fairness. We need a just and fair relationship with the government of Canadad with the Minister of Indian Affairs—a Minister who wants to 'develop' our lands.