The social history of Native Americans
in Canada as a whole

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Reserve wrestles epidemic of suicides
Canadian Press, 9 August 1998. Suicide rates are chronically higher among aboriginal Canadians than the general population, but the problem has reached epidemic proportions at the Birdtail Ojibwa reserve in Manitoba. Many houses are falling apart as mould eats away at carpeting and drywall. Substance abuse. There nothing really to do; with a lack of employment, people turn to alcoholism.
Indigenous People Tell Mandela of Their Plight
By Mark Bourrie, IPS, 27 September 1998. South African President Nelson Mandela paid special attention to Canada's long-oppressed native people. The plight of aboriginal Canadians is comparable to the suffering endured by black South Africans during apartheid. Mandela met Indian, Inuit and Metis (mixed-race) leaders in Canada's Human Rights Memorial in Ottawa.
Ontario native suicide rate one of highest in world, expert says
By Louise Elliott, Candian Press, 27 November 2000. A rash of suicides on the remote Ojibwa reserve in Pikangikum, Ontario, is a disaster that may earn the community the dubious distinction of having the highest suicide rate in the world. Gas-sniffing. Innu leaders in Sheshatshiu asked government social workers to remove gas-addicted children from the community. Links with the lack of necessities of good health - such as education and clean water.