The economic history of Native Americans in the Arctic and Sub-arctic

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Please Help Save our Arctic Home
From the Gwich'in Niintsyaa, 30 October 1995. The Gwich'in Athabaskan Indians of northeast Alaska and northwest Canada join with the Alaska Coalition to petition the US President to prevent oil development from destroying the Porcupine Caribou herd in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Mitsubishi profits from Indian woes
Rainforest Action Network—July Action Alert, 30 June 1996. Mitsubishi Breaks Ground on New Mine in Cheslatta Nation
Alaska Natives Strike It Rich in Telecoms Deal
By Yereth Rosen, Reuters, Thursday 28 December 2000. Special payments from Cook Inlet Region Inc. (CIRI), one of the most successful Alaska native corporations, were distributed, putting an extra $45,000 into the pockets of most shareholders. CIRI is one of 13 regional for-profit corporations that were established by the 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. The regional corporations, along with smaller village corporations, are owned by Alaska Eskimos, Indians and Aleuts.
Gwich'n Nation calls on all supporters to take urgent action now to protect Arctic refuge
Gwichin Nation appeal, 13 August 2001. The fate of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is the fate of the Gwich'in Nation. If the Arctic Refuge is sacrificed to meet the high energy consumption needs of the US, the Gwich'in will not be able to continue our ancestral way of life.