The army as a political factor under President Préval

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Battle lines drawing up
This Week in Haiti, Haiti Progres, 4–10 August 1996. This week's ultimatum by the former soldiers of the Armed Forces of Haiti (Fadh) to the Haitian government, delivered by open letter on Aug. 29, was clear and direct: release our imprisoned comrades in 7 days, or we will unleash a civil war in Haiti.
Insecurity grips Haiti: Duvalierist soldiers growing bolder
This Week in Haiti, Haiti Progres, 21–27 August 1996. Insecurity now dogs the Lavalas politicians who have championed Haiti's occupation since September 1994 by foreign military forces implanted precisely to prevent the criminals of the Sept. 30, 1991 coup from being judged or even disarmed.
Haiti's ‘Little Kings’ Again Terrorize the Populace
By Larry Rohter, The New York Times, Sunday 25 August 1996. During three decades of dictatorship, they were called little kings and used to intimidate and brutalize the populace. Now, nearly two years after the democratically elected Haitian government disbanded the country's armed forces, these former soldiers are again being cited as a threat to security and political stability here.
Tonton Macoutes mount destabilization campaign
This Week in Haiti,, Haiti Progrès, 19–25 March 1997. If you don't help out our young, poorly equipped, beleaguered police, the Tonton Macoutes will come out of the shadows and stage a coup, the same as in 1991, Haitian President Rene Preval pleaded.
New rally and shootings in Gonaïves; A pattern seems to be developing
This Week in Haiti, Haiti Progrès, 25 July–1 August 2000. At a rally called by the Christian Movement for a New Haiti (MOCHRENA), which supports the opposition Convergence Group and calls for military rule in lieu of democratic elections.
New rightist coup bid takes shape
This Week in Haiti, Haiti Progrès, 19–25 July 2000. The Group of Convergence front of six small right-wing opposition parties calls for the violent overthrow of Haiti's elected government and the restoration of the Haitian Army. During the 1991–1994 coup d'état, the Haitian Army and its paramilitary arm killed 5,000 Haitians and was disbanded by Aristide's presidential decree in 1995.
Return of Duvalier? Some Haitians support former dictator's bid to govern
By Ron Howell, Newsday, 22 September 2000. A band of emigrants in Brooklyn associated with the CIA agent, Emmanual Toto Constant, seek the return of military dictatorship to Haiti in order to counter the likely re-election of Aristide.