The social categories of labor in Canada

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Mexican farm workers complain about conditions
Canadian Press, Globe and Mail, Monday 21 May 2001. Workers, who pick tomatoes in large green houses, complained about being forced to spray pesticides without any safety protection; living in overcrowded buildings with leaking sewage; working long hours with no overtime pay; lacking proper access to medical care; paying government deductions and receiving nothing in return; and living under the constant threat of being sent back to Mexico if they dare to complain directly to their employers.
Workers at city plant mostly immigrant women: Employees locked out in wage-negotiation rift
By Aldo Santin, Wimmipeg Free Press, Thursday 5 July 2001. Most Technical Products International employees are immigrant women, many of them single mothers, who are forced to take part-time jobs to make ends meet. TPI offered its employees a three-year contract that would have seen wages increase 50 cents an hour over three years—a seven per cent increase. The average hourly wage is $7.25.
Working part time no bed of roses: study B.C. researchers discover downside
By Virginia Galt, Globe & Mail, Monday 9 July 2001. A common pitfall is the tendency to compress a full-time workload into part-time hours—for part-time pay. Part time work is not necessarily a panacea for striking a balance between work and life. An estimated 10 per cent of professionals work part-time—primarily for family reasons.
The growing—and increasingly non-white—contingent labour market
By Sabitri Ghosh, Rabble News, 22 January 2003. Failing to organize the growing—and increasingly non-white—contingent labour market, could have disastrous consequences for the union movement as a whole.