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From worker-brc-news@lists.tao.ca Wed Nov 1 06:14:31 2000
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 02:08:47 -0500
From: Jonah Nadir Omowale <eclipseamerica@netscape.net>
Subject: [BRC-NEWS] Lesser of Two Evils vs. Greatest Common Good
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The Lesser of Two Evils or The Greatest Common Good

By Jonah Nadir Omowale <eclipseamerica@netscape.net>
27 October 2000

Why all of a sudden is there all this attention on Ralph Nader? Until a few days ago, the media and both major parties have made every effort to not just ignore his campaign, but to block his message from being heard. Even going so far as to bar him from attending the debates, much less participating. Now, because it looks like Gore's blunders during those debates and throughout this campaign are catching up to him, he and the media that backs him are attacking Ralph Nader.

But, check it out: They aren't addressing the issues that inspired Nader to run in the first place. They don't speak about the corporate financing of government or the prison industrial complex. They aren't mentioning the war on drugs or abolition of the death penalty. Gore hasn't made any attempt to argue with Nader's positions on universal health care or raising the minimum wage. Al Gore is playing on your fear of George W. Bush.

The media still isn't talking about Ralph Nader's stance on the issues. They are just telling you that "a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush." Ralph Nader was blocked from the debates that would have given Al Gore a forum to refute Nader's charges that he and Bush are the same. Gore has refused to address those concerns and the people who have raised them.

Al Gore chose to ignore Ralph Nader and to run his race against George W. Bush. He has essentially conceded defeat in that battle so he must now pick on someone who has one tenth of his standing in the polls. Mr. Gore and the conservative leanings of the Democratic party created this atmosphere by ignoring the progressives within their own organization and ignoring the issues of the common American.

Now they are drowning in their own arrogance.

If Al Gore were really concerned about the people of the Green Party and about the issues they have raised he would debate Ralph Nader. He didn't do it before, but he has a week and a half. Put up or shut up. Earn your constituents' votes by addressing their concerns, not by playing on their unfounded fears.

Those Nader supporters who are asking Ralph to drop out of the race are the biggest cowards of all. If you choose to protest, you must be willing to march from beginning to end. Now it's like "Oh, we were just trying to get your attention, Al. Ralph, ignore your principles and what you have fought for all these years and endorse the lesser of two evils."

I have joined this crusade because I believe in taking a stand and fighting for the greatest common good. I don't believe for one minute that George Bush will make matters any worse for the millions of Americans who are poor and hungry and have no health care or are locked in prison because of medical conditions like addiction, because he doesn't care enough about them to pay it the attention. I don't believe that Al Gore has the guts to make it better because those people don't contribute to his campaign. I will not back down or change my stance because Al Gore and the Democratic party have proven that they don't care about the concerns of real Americans enough to truly address the issues. They use scare tactics and smoke screens to divert attention from the truth. Al Gore is more beholden to the corporations than George W. Bush is. Bush is a corporation. Gore, on the other hand owes them his political life.

Read up on the issues. Here are the links I have forwarded countless times during the campaign:



These are things that affect real American citizens. They affect the company you own and the corporation you work for. This is about your life and the lives of your children both born and unborn. Know and understand the truth and vote not for the lesser of two evils but for the greatest common good.

Copyright (c) 2000 Jonah Nadir Omowale. All Rights Reserved.

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