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Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 08:22:48 -0500
From: "L-Soft list server at MIZZOU1 (1.8b)" <LISTSERV@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu>
Subject: File: "DATABASE OUTPUT"

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>>> Item number 6998, dated 96/07/10 22:50:47 -- ALL Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 22:50:47 GMT
Sender: Activists Mailing List <ACTIV-L@MIZZOU1.MISSOURI.EDU>
Organization: PACH
Subject: Guatemala: Central America UPDATE June 16-30

/** reg.guatemala: 189.0 **/
** Topic: Guatemala: Central America UPDATE June 16-30 **
** Written 10:12 AM Jul 10, 1996 by cip in cdp:reg.guatemala **
Central America UPDATE

(Home page: http://www.us.net/cip/caupdate.htm)

Intelligence Oversight Board releases report

Central America Update, 15-30 June 1996

The Intelligence Oversight Board, a presidential advisory panel charged over a year ago with analyzing U.S. intelligence agencies' conduct in Guatemala, released a public version of its findings on June 28. The four-member panel began work in mid-1995, shortly after revelations that a Guatemalan colonel implicated in high-profile killings was on the CIA payroll.

The long-overdue report found that the CIA maintained several known human rights abusers as paid "assets" as late as 1994, at the same time withholding from Congress information about its relationships with these "unsavory" individuals. The report found no criminal wrongdoing and offered little new information on cases of U.S. citizens murdered or otherwise harmed in Guatemala. It did criticize agencies' failure to inform victims of their cases' progress.

While claiming that the CIA mission in Guatemala was not a "rogue mission," the report asserts that intelligence officials became too close to their contacts, to the extent that they overlooked their criminal behavior.

Thank you for reading the Central America UPDATE. Please direct all comments to me at isacson@us.net.

-- Adam Isacson, Center for International Policy

The UPDATE is compiled by the Center for International Policy's Demilitarization Program. It is a semimonthly summary of security-related news in Central America.