The history of the Republic of El Salvador under President Caleron Sol (1994–1999)

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El Salvador celebrates third anniversary of signing the Peace Accords
Fundación Flor de Izote: Report from El Salvador, 16–23 January 1995. While on January 16, 1992, there was a peace accord, troubles continue. Here on the economy: privatization and broad rejection of Calderon Sol's economic proposals.
Demobilized soldiers mobilize
Editorial from Proceso, 1 February 1995. Partial take-over by demobilized military to back up their demands for financial compensation, housing, lands, etc.
Difficult outlook for labor (Part II)
From Proceso, 1 February 1995. A look at the demands of demobilized military and the government's response. The military involved are generally poor people with just demands. Impact of privatization.
Destabilization trends
Editorial from Proceso, 15 February 1995. Government's deliberate refusal to carry out the terms of the peace accord are encouraging military intervention into political life.
Letter of UN Secretary General Boutros-Ghali On El Salvador to the President of the Security Council
S/1995/143, 17 February, 1995. Given the still unsettled conditions and previous extensions of the ONUSAL mission, Goutros-Ghali proposes setting up a team of six professionals after ONUSAL's withdrawal.
Labor Council Denounced
By Labor Video Project, 15 March 1995. Newly formed Superior Labor Council (CST) that brings together private sector industrialists and labor groups. It can't deal with national economic issues. Problem of foreign maquiladoras in San Salvador suburbs and accusations that AFL-CIO is trying to destabilize them.
Tough times for the Salvadorian left
By Steve Cagan, CrossRoads, September 1995. Review of history of the FMLN since the Peace Accord of February 1992, which left it with a legal political role. The common slate of the FMLN, the Democratic Convergence, and the social-democratic MNR in March 1994 election. Subsequent fragmentation of the left. The role of economic underdevelopment. Lack of sense of direction.
Salvadoran President Calls Labor Leaders Traitors; Salvadoran Right-Wing and Newspapers Attack CISPES
Campaign for Labor Rights Action Alerts, 5 December 1996. Salvadoran President Calderon Sol denounced Gabo garment and ASTTEL workers for campaigning in the U.S. against labor and human rights violations in El Salvador. Newspapers publish fictitious claim that CISPES called for a boycott of Salvadorian good.
1996: A year of postponed transformations
Processo, 18 December 1996. The left's initial optimism over a negotiated revolution: dismantling the framework of military authoritarianism and consolidating the gains of political reforms that would free the way for socio-economic changes, put political change before economic change, and consequently structural changes are now only a slogan and a dream of the past. This opened the way for a consolidation of the power of power groups, which threaten progress toward institutionalizing democracy.
Constitutional amendments
Processo, 30 April 1997. Sloppy legislative process.
Municipalities win bigger slice of budget pie
El Salvador Watch, No.64, November 1997. Over the objections of President Calderon Sol, the Legislative Assembly has for the first time earmarked a significant portion of El Salvador's national budget for municipal governments to provide services locally. In the past, while the industry in larger towns and cities provided some tax base, residents of rural El Salvador have suffered from poor services their municipalities couldn't afford.