The Sandanista government of Nicaragua (1979–1990)

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Report from Managua
On July 19,1979, the victorious fighters of the Sandinista Front for National Liberation and their supporters filled the Plaza of the Revolution in celebration of the overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship; they christened the plaza in honor of that day. Thousands of Sandinistas gather there to commemorate the death in combat of Carlos Fonseca Amador, the founder of the Sandinista Front for National Liberation (FSLN).
Nicaraguans Celebrate Sandinista Retreat
Weekly News Update on the Americas, Annual march to Masaya commemorating the FSLN's tactical retreat on June 26, 1979, during the final stages of the insurrection against the Somoza dictatorship.
The 1983 Visit of Pope John Paul II to Nicaragua
By Katherine Hoyt. A letter written home in March 1983 regarding the visit of the Pope. The political stand of the Church. John Paul II spoke in words easily understood by the Right as support for its cause.
Nicaragua and the FSLN: Tomas Borge interviewed
Green Left Weekly, 28 September 1995. Tomas Borge a founder of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), is the only surviving founder of the FSLN, the Sandinista National Liberation Front. During the '80s, as minister of the interior, he directed the security forces which subverted the counter-revolutionaries' battle plans in the cities and developed a reputation as one of the toughest National Directorate members.
Nicaragua and the Vietnam Vets Against the War
By Dave Silver, 28 November 2001. Recalls a discussion with Daniel Ortega when he visited New York in the late 1980s. Questioners were trying to assess the Sandanista project in relation to counterrevolutionary Perestroika. The co-optation of the successful National Liberation struggle became very clear. The effect of neo-liberal policies.
Now I Understand
By Chuck Kaufman, Co-coordinator of the Nicaragua Network, [30 July 2004]. Historians would say that by 1987 the US-contra war, economic errors by the Revolutionary overnment, unmet peasant desire for their own plot of land, ration cards, and other hardships were already eroding popular support for the revolution. However, that sure wasn't my experience.