Date: Sat, 4 Jan 97 11:53:05 CST
From: rich%pencil@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (Rich Winkel)
Subject: ICFTU Protests Turkey Diyarbakir Arrests

/** 343.0 **/
** Topic: ICFTU Protests Turkey Diyarbakir Arrests **
** Written 3:30 PM Jan 1, 1997 by labornews in **
From: Institute for Global Communications <>
Subject: ICFTU Protests Turkey Diyarbakir Arrests

Appeals for Release of Diyarbakir Detainees

From ICFTU. 5-6 November, 1996

Please send similar letters of protest to:

Mr Neemettub Erbakan, Prime Minister of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey

FAX: 0090.312.417.04.76 AND

Mr N. Celik, Minister of Labour of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey

FAX: 0090.312.212.07.81

5 November 1996

Dear Mr. Minister,

Appeal for Release of Diyarbakir Detainees

The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU, which has close to 200 affiliated organisations, including TurkIs and Disk, learned with dismay about the recent arrest of six officials from the Diyarbakir branches of different trade unions.

We have been informed that not less than six trade union officials are being held "incommunicado" in Diyarbakir police headquarters after being arrested over the last few days by plain clothes security police and taken from their homes. It is generally feared that more will follow.

Among the detainees are following trade union leaders:

Hasan Kacan, trade unionist of the Teachers Union EgitimSen arrested 21 October after midnight at home.

Yusuf Akgun, Diyarbakir EgitimSen branch chair arrested 18 October after midnight at home.

Davut Balikci, spokesperson for the Confederation of Public Servants Unions (Kesk and Diyarbakir branch of the Finance Union MaliyeSen arrested 15 October after midnight at home.

Halil Cabir Karacadagli, branch chair of Diyarbakir TesIs

Halil Oztopalan, branch chair of Diyarbakir YolIs v Gulsen Aydemir, former management committee member of EgitimSen, arrested 15 October.

We have been informed that some of them have been arrested after a demonstration in Diyarbakir.

We call for the release of the detained trade union officials if no valid charges can be brought against them.

We urge the Turkish authorities to put an end to the arrest of peaceful demonstrators and to the illtreatment inflicted against the detainees.

We also call on the authorities to ensure the respect for human and trade union rights at all times, in line with universally accepted standards.

Yours sincerely,

General Secretary

6 November 1996

Your Excellency,


The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU, which has close to 200 affiliated organisations, including TurkIs and Disk, learned with dismay about the recent arrest of the officials from the Diyarbakir branches of different trade unions.

We have been informed that seven trade union officials were released on 4 October but that three others are still being held "incommunicado" in Diyarbakir police headquarters. It is generally feared that more arrests will follow.

Among the remaining detainees are following trade union leaders:

Hasan Kacan, trade unionist of the Teachers Union EgitimSen arrested 21 October after midnight at home. He was rearrested outside the court after charges against him were dropped.

Halil Cabir Karacadagli, branch chair of Diyarbakir TesIs

Husamettin Basak, Information Union, former Executive Member

We have been informed that Hasan Kacan may be taken to Sirnak, and we fear that his life may be in danger.

We call for the release of the detained trade union officials if no valid charges can be brought against them.

We urge the Turkish authorities to put an end to the arrest of peaceful demonstrators and to the illtreatment inflicted against the detainees.

We also call on the authorities, once again, to ensure the respect for human and trade union rights at all times, in line with universally accepted standards.

Yours sincerely,
General Secretary