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Let's Shatter the American Siege on Iraqis

Worker Communist Party of Iraq/Abroad Organization, 30 June 2001

11 Years of Oppressive Economic Sanctions Against Iraq

11 years of sanctions and:

The workers and toilers of Iraq have been exposing to waves of hunger, unemployment and tragedies affecting hundreds of thousands of people taking democracy, human rights and ousting the regime as a plea. Wide spreading diseases have been affecting children and pregnant women while death is a threat to other hundreds of thousands. The United Nations according to the American and Western policies continues its bombardment and starvation on a daily basis against the Iraqis, and iterates Hiroshima and Alanfal disasters. And the eventual outcome is the annihilation of more than a million Iraqis so far.

11 years of sanctions and:

The Islamic and nationalist parties with the Iraqi bourgeois opposition have been making use of the starvation, prevalent unemployment, low wages, and mass lay-off of workers as a daily political reality of the people in Iraq.

The lack of health, social and other services has become a pivot of the conflict amongst the Baath regime, U.S. and the West. The Baath government has dismissed thousands of working women and forced them to stay home and raise children as their only responsibilities. As a result, women have become victims of the reactionaries who enforce atmospheres of oppression, terror and brutality on every day life.

11 years of sanctions and:

The capitalist Baath regime has been taking advantage of the economic sanctions as an excuse to justify unemployment, oppression, and absence of civil and social laws of the people in Iraq.

All freedom defenders all over the world!

All the humanitarian and labour organizations and trade unions!

Voice your rejection against the most tragic crimes of the history and the mass genocide the U.S., the United Nations and the West have carried out against the people of Iraq. All freedom seekers should not stay silent in front of these barbaric and brutal massacres which are being committed against the people of Iraq. You are the people and organizations who defended the social, political and civil laws of the people in Kurdistan, disclosed the Baath regime's crimes and stood up against the bombing of people in Iraq by the U.S. and the West.

The time has come for your serious solidarity with the people in Iraq to abolish the economic sanctions and put an end to the American and western domination that impose starvation, deprivation of medication and the basic requirements of life.

On the 11th anniversary of imposing the economic sanctions on Iraq, let's unite our ranks against this brutal policy and take a serious step to stop the sanctions. Let's chant together

No to economic sanctions against Iraq
Unconditional lifting of the economic sanctions.

The Worker Communist Party of Iraq is holding numerous political activities and events all over the world with the participation of other parties and organizations. On August 6, 2001, huge rallies will be marched in front of the American embassies in Europe, Australia, North America and other countries to announce our protest and indignation against this barbaric policy and to stop it.

We call upon all of you to stand for strengthening the humanitarian front to put an end to the American arrogance and mass killing against the people in Iraq.

Long-live the movement to lift the economic sanctions on Iraq

Long-live the Socialist Republic

Worker Communist Party of Iraq/Abroad Organization