The settlement and colonization
of West Asia

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Israeli Government Forced to Freeze Settlements
By Hans Lebrecht, in People's Weekly World, 3 June 1995. The Palesinian Authority and the Arab states threatened to freeze all peace negotiations until Israel retracts from land seizures in eastern Jerusalem of 332 acres in the east-Jerusalem suburbs Beit-Tzafafa and Beit-Hanina.
Israeli land confiscations since Oslo
From Foundation for Middle East Peace, Report on Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories, May 1996. Israel has confiscated almost one-quarter million dunams throughout the West Bank since the Oslo accords, mostly on the basis of confiscation orders issued before 1992. Construction of numerous bypass roads throughout the West Bank has entailed the confiscation of an additional 16,000 to 20,000 dunams, which proceeded according to an agreement with the Palestinian Authority.
Israeli government actively encourages settlement expansion in new move to consolidate control over West Bank
The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment, 14 December 1996. The Israeli government agreed to a series of incentives to strengthen existing settlements and to encourage Jewish Israelis to settle in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli cabinet decided to reinstate benefits for West Bank settlers, in a re-classification of the West Bank called A-level national priority area status.
Palestinians Protest Tel Aviv's Settlements
By Brian Taylor, The Militant, 23 December 1996. In a provocative move, an Israeli planning commission announced that it had approved the construction of a housing development for Jews in Ras el- Amud, a Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem.
Palestinians fight Zionist expansion
By Hilda Cuzco, in the The Militant, 17 March 1997. Palestinian general strike vs. Israel's decision to build housing on largely Arab land in East Jerusalem.
Palestinians resisting Israeli land grab
By Hans Lebrecht, People's Weekly World, 31 May 1997. Since the beginning of the year, Israel has confiscated another 7,500 acres of Palestinian lands in the still-occupied West Bank. From the coming to power of the right-wing/ultra-clerical Netanyahu government one year ago until the end of 1996, 80 such illegally built houses have been demolished. And recently the Palestine National Authority (PNA) has issued a bill, reinstating a former Jordanian law, outlawing under penalty of death, land sales to Jews.
Palestinian leadership fails to understand the importance of settlements
By Geoffrey Aronson, The Settlement Report July-August 1998. There is nothing like a drive through the West Bank to grasp the situation regarding settlement expansion today. The Palestinian leadership has distinguished itself by its almost total lack of interest in or firsthand familiarity with the situation on the ground.
The Territorial Implications of Israeli Further Redeployment
The Settlement Report July-August 1998. An Israeli proposal to include unspecified Israeli settlements around Jerusalem in an umbrella municipality (UM) has been met with almost universal criticism. The new plan will invest Israeli civilian agencies with more extensive powers over the development and expansion of settlements included in the UM proposal.
For Israel, Land or Peace
By Jimmy Carter, The Washginton Post, 26 November 2000. An underlying reason that years of U.S. diplomacy have failed and violence in the Middle East persists is that some Israeli leaders continue to create facts by building settlements in occupied territory.
Exposing Israel: A nation of colonialists
By Ramzy Baroud, Southnews, December 15, 2000. Despite the five-decades of occupation in Palestine, the majority of Israelis remain colonialists, and in one way or another, they are all settlers. Mistakenly, many create the distinction between the Israeli army and Israeli settlers, as if the two are not clearly opposite sides of the same coin.