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Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 10:12:20 -0500
Sender: Former Soviet Republic - Central Asia Political Discussion List <CENASIA@VM1.MCGILL.CA>
From: Michael Craig Hillmann <mhill@MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: A New Tajiki Language Program
To: Multiple recipients of list CENASIA <CENASIA@VM1.MCGILL.CA>

A New Tajiki Language Program

From Michael Craig Hillmann, 8 December 1997

Beginning with the Spring 1998 Semester, the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures at The University of Texas at Austin will offer two courses in the Tajiki language as a regular part of its program: Basic Tajiki (a beginning course) and Tajiki Texts (an intermediate reading course).

In preparing for the courses, MELC has acquired appropriate dictionaries, textbooks, and scores of volumes of authentic texts of various sorts.

Two problems remain. First is finding sources for audio cassette recordings of different Tajiki dialects and styles. Second is locating a native speaker of Tajiki in Texas who could prepare an audio cassette recording of course syllabus materials.

MELC will appreciate any CENASIA readership assistance in these two regards.

Michael Hillmann, Professor of Persian Studies
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712, U.S.A.
512-475-6785 (tel)
512-471-4197 (fax)