The decolonization of Hong Kong

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Money over Rights and Democracy
From Asian Students Association (ASA), Hong Kong, Movement News Round-up, July 1995.
British colonialism didn't bring freedom to Hong Kong workers
By Sara Flounders, in Workers World, 13 February 1997. Re. wretched working conditions in Colonial Hong Kong and the likely effect of continuing capitalist interests there.
Fresh manoeuvre against democratic movements
From ICFTU OnLine, 29 April 1997. The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (CTU - linked to labor outside China), and the Federation of Trade Unions (FTU - linked to China), disagree over the external funding of political organization that promotes democracy in Hong Kong after decolonization.
British colonialism exits Hong Kong
By William Pomeroy, in People's Weekly World, 28 June 1997. Sketches history of the colony and how lame duck colonial governor Chris Patten took political measures that will make the situation after July 1 difficult.
The End of a Colonial Dictatorship
Press release from the International Action Center, 30 June 1997. Celebrates Hong Kong's coming decolonization, but objects to US intervention.
Handing back Hong Kong
LM Commentary, 30 June 1997, on the eve of decolonization and an analysis of British policies.
Canadian Labour Congress on Hong Kong worker rights< /dt>
Press release from Canadian Labour Congress, 15 July, 1997. Before the return of Hong Kong, China promised to respect labor rights to organize and bargain collectively, but afterwards it's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) governing body of business people revoke those rights.
Toy campaign
From Coalition for the Charter on the Safe Production of Toys, 5 August 1997. Protest to Hong Kong Toy Manufacturers Association for their indifference to labor laws.
Hong Kong Diary # 17
By Josephine Khu, 23 October, 1997. Re. rising crime in Hong Kong, its relation to immigrants from China, and the changes there which encourage migration to the south coast.