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Report on Women Workers in Korea

By Women’s Committee of KCTU, September 2003

Young women in the labor market

1) Employment/ Unemployment

2) Jobs young women are holding

3) Discrimination

recruitment, wages, promotion, job assignment, opportunities, etc.

Furthermore, married or pregnant women, women who have given birth, women on childcare/maternal leave, and women who have returned from such leaves are laid off or dismissed more easily. Irregular women workers such as contract or temporary workers suffer from lack of legal protection, and the reality of the women workers is that they cannot use their legal leaves even though they are entitled to them. ex.

Jaeneung Education ; Unjust transfer after maternal leave

4) Main problems of young women in labor market

Young women’s Policies in KCTU

1) Woman union rate(member) in KCTU

2) No separate data for young women members.

3) Policies regarding young female members

[Publisher’s note: Statistical tables here omitted because they were in proprietary Word format.]