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Drop of policy to commercialize education demanded in S. Korea

Korean News, 22 December 2001

Pyongyang, December 22 (KCNA)—The South Korean Federation of University Student Councils reportedly released a statement on Dec. 17 protesting the South Korean education authorities’ policy to commercialize education. The statement said:

The proposed revision requires university presidents and college rectors to fix tuition and entrance fees which have so far been done by education authorities. This is little short of covering up with other veil the national university special accounts law which the government authorities were forced to shelve by the public opinion and the people’s opposition.

This is a green light to the privatization of national universities and an attempt to obliterate the public education. And it will deprive the people of educational right.

Opposing the increase of the registration fee without any guarantee for educational fund, the statement demanded an immediate cancellation of the plan for the development of national universities, part of the policy to commercialize the education.