The working-class history of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

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Reports from Amsterdam dockers on their fight against casualisation and the attempted sacking of 150 registered dockworkers
By Ron Wiechels, Secretary of the labour-council of the Arbeidspool, 15 April 1997. 10% of the amount for infrastructure should be used for creating new jobs and securing old jobs.
Amsterdam dockers to set up web site
Labournet Report, 18 April 1997. Talks took place yesterday between union representatives of Amsterdam dockers and a delegation from the port employers over threatened sackings and casualisation. A web site that will link with the web sites of Liverpool, Montreal and Santos dockers and LabourNet.
Dutch dockers take action for Amsterdam jobs
By Halinka Augustin, 26 October 1997. Second report on the situation of the Labourpools in the Rotterdam and Amsterdam ports.
Oldest Profession Gets New Legal Protection
By Keith B. Richburg, Washington Post, Monday 9 July 2001. Rules for Dutch brothels bring rights, responsibilities. Dutch advocacy groups for prostitutes argue that keeping brothels in the world of crime made it possible for their operators to mistreat women and fail to maintain minimum health standards.
Dutch minister: Our labor model is not perfect
The Korea Herald, 12 July 2003. Even though the consensus-based Dutch model of labor-management relations contributed to tremendous economic growth, the system also needs some improvement in light of the fast-changing global economy, a visiting Dutch trade chief said.