The working-class history of the Republic of Malta

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Fax Storm, 28 March 2000
The International Transport Workers' Federation, 22 March 2000. Protest Against Government Repression of Trade Unions in Malta. In November 1999 the government placed serious criminal charges against a number of strikers and 17 top leaders of the GWU.
Speakers at the General Conference
The Times of Malta, Wednesday 8 October 2003. Speakers at GWU's 60th anniversary. Individualism or solidarity—Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami; Call for regeneration—Opposition leader Alfred Sant; ”New vision—Salvu Sammut, GWU president. Various section secretaries and other delegates spoke of different problems plaguing the country.
Another drop in union members
di-ve news, 7 January 2004. Trade unions have reported another decline in membership for the second consecutive year. Union density has also declined slightly. The employers' associations also reported a decline in membership over the previous year.
Tony Zarb vs Manwel Micallef: two visions of the union in conflict
By Noel Grima, The Malta Independent, Monday 3 October 2005. There are many candidates standing for the various posts within the General Workers Union but in the end, the real contest will be that between incumbent Tony Zarb and Manwel Micallef for the all-important post of secretary general.