The retrospective history of the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

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Timeline: Ethiopia
BBC News Online, Wednesday, 25 July, 2001. A chronology of key events.
Un ouvrage sur la Civilisation éthiopienne
Panafrican News Agency (Dakar), 9 March 2001. Revue d’un volume de recherche historique sur la Civilisation d’Axoum des mains de David Phillipson, un universitaire de Cambridge (Angleterre).
From the Solomonic dynasties to the Battle of Adwa
By Louis Proyect, Ethiopian history and politics, part one, [26 December 1999]. From semi-mythical origins in the 15th century B.C. to the Battle of Adwa, 1895. Focus on ethnicities and a Marxist pespective.
Review of Haile Sellassie I, My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, vol. II
By Charles W. McClellan, 11 September 1995.
His majesty’s Famous War Speech to UN (1963)
By Haile Sallassie, 1963. In our present time, the foremost pressing and obligatory matter is the reduction of war arsenals. The attempt made by the violence that had arrived especially against the countries of Africa and Asia in the past several years.
Ethiopian Envoy Denies Link in Plot to Kill Mengistu
PANA, 7 November 1995. Zimbabwe (PANA)—Ethiopian ambassador to Zimbabwe Fantahun Haile Michael said Monday here his government had nothing to do with the failed assassination bid on exiled former president Mengistu Haile Mariam. Mengistu fled Ethiopia in May 1991 and sought political asylum in Zimbabwe where he has been living since.