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Ministers Propose Military Intervention In Comoros

By Sidy Gaye, PANA Correspondent, 10 July 2000

LOME, Togo (PANA) - The intransigence of separatists on the Comorian island of Anjouan may soon come to an end if African leaders meeting Lome Monday endorse military action as proposed by the OAU council of ministers.

The ministers ended their 72nd ordinary session in Lome early Monday, recommending military intervention in the Comoros in order to end the obstinacy and intransigence of the Anjouanese separatists.

In a draft decision, forwarded to the 36th assembly of African heads of state and government, the council of ministers asks for approval of their "earlier proposal to take military measures against the Anjouanese separatists."

The council has requested "countries of the sub-region to take the necessary measures to that effect, under South Africa's co-ordination and in consultation with the OAU secretariat."

The ministers also urge "all partners to support countries of the region and the OAU in the implementation of these measures".

OAU Secretary General Salim Ahmed Salim was directed to maintain contacts with the Comorian parties "to ensure a rapid return to constitutionality" in the Indian Ocean state.

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