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Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 22:54:38 GMT
Reply-To: Your full name here <your-userid@efn.org>
Sender: Activists Mailing List <ACTIV-L@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu>
From: Your full name here <your-userid@efn.org>
Organization: Oregon Public Networking
To: Multiple recipients of list ACTIV-L <ACTIV-L@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu>

Economic Justice in Guatemala

From The Institute for Economic Justice and Indigenous Technology (IEJIT),
3 November 1995

The Institute for Economic Justice and Indigenous Technology (IEJIT) is a non-profit organization based in Eugene Oregon. Our mission is to support grassroots, community based economic development projects in partnership with the most marginalized sectors of Central American society. Our emphasis is towards enabling and empowering indigenous people, widows, children and and poor campesinos to create a better life for themselves and their communities.

Presently our focus is upon supporting the efforts of ASOCIACION MAYA (AM) a legally constituted development organization in Guatemala with an elected board of directors of 5 Cakchikel-speaking women. The members of AM are all backstrap weavers and spend about 16 days a month kneeling on thre ground weaving the cloth for two shirts or jackets. The work of AM has received international recognition for its consistent dedication to beauty and excellence. The women are producing a wide variety of prodcts that include shirts, vests, women's jackets, handbags, meditation shawls, tablecloths, placemats, scarves and more. The designs are very contemporary and the colors come in subtle blends that dance in the light. Their work is truly unusual. Asociacion Maya seeks to empower its members by creating economic opportunity based on fair trading relationships with its northern partners.

We here at IEJIT seek to give voice to the struggle of indigenous women for peace with justice. We have an urgent need at this important time of the year. The weavers of AM have just sent us 1000 pounds of the finest selection of backstrap woven clothing and accessories. They just informed me that it had to be split up on two air cargo shipments, well, just to say that its a lot of beautiful cloth. The clothing and accessories that AM made out of the hanwoven cloth represent over 5600 work days at the loom. Just think about it!

IEJIT is looking for good hearted people that might be interested in sharing some of these exceptionally fine crafts with colleagues at work or around the coffee table. We can turn from the spirit of consumerism that assaults us at this time of year and transform our efforts by linking with these courageous women who are struuggling for justice by creating beauty.

We will be happy to ship at no charge a wide variety of fine handcrafts to share with your circle. We invite all those, who sincerely feel called to work with us towards supporting and empowering Mayan women to create hope and opportunity in their community, to give us a call at (503) 334-0299 or via E-mail at iejit@efn.org

In the spirit of peace with justice,
Ron Spector