The economic history of the Federative Republic of Brazil

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Effects of neo-liberal economic policies
From Joaquim Moura, Parners of the Americas, 2 August 1995. World Bank report confirms that thanks to neoliberalism, Brazil has the greatest social disparities in the world. Fundacao Getulio Vargas informed that the Brazilian banks (following the federal government economic neoliberal policies) charge the HIGHEST interest rates in the world.
The Mechanics of Brazil's Auto Industry
By Helen Shapiro, in NACLA's Report on the Americas, Jan/Feb 1996. After more than a decade of stagnation, Brazil's auto market has been booming. The recent recovery of Brazil's auto industry coincides with the reduction of trade barriers and deregulation, leading many to conclude wrongly that market liberalization is driving the boom.
Making the World Bank More Accountable: Activism in South
By Fatima Vianna Mello, NACLA report on the Americas, May/June 1996. Despite the rhetoric, the Brazilian government and the multilateral lending institutions lack the political will to create institutional mechanisms to facilitate a democratic dialogue with the populations affected by Worlds Bank and Inter-American Development Bank projects.
Low spending on agrarian reform
SEJUP, News from Brazil, 14 May 1997. There is a wide gap between official discourse and practice in the area of agrarian reform. The figures reveal that by the end of March the government had spent only 4% of the funds available for agrarian reform during 1997. Also rural unrest.
Government pays over 24000% more for land than it received for it
SEJUP (Servico Brasileiro de Justica e Paz), News from Brazil, 20 November 1997. The government has been buying back land on the so-called agricultural frontiers in remote regions of the North and Center-West to settle landless families for as much as 24801% more than it received for it in the 1970s and 80s. In the 1970s many such ranches were sold to ranchers for low values in order to bring economic development to remote areas.