The environmental history of the Federative Republic of Brazil

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Request for letters to governor of Sao Paulo to save Ribeiraq de Iguape River in Brazil's Atlantic coast rainforest
An urgent action request from Brazil's Movement of Dam Victims, 31 October 1995. The Ribeira valley, a hotbed of biodiversity, is the homeland of 4,000 riverine families, including descendents of former black slaves who found refuge there more than a century ago in communities known as quilombos, and who use the forest sustainably. It is engangered by hydroelectric dam construction.
Malaysian Loggers in the Amazon
From Ecological Enterprises, 25 February 1997. Rainforest Action Network's Action Alert. Recent major increase in Asian industrial logging interests in the Amazon. Given these companies' track record, there is every reason to expect even greater increases in Amazonian deforestation.
National Council of Rubber Tappers calls for mobilization in Brasilia
27 February 1997. The National Council of Rubber Tappers-CNS is calling for a mobilization to demand the implementation of important points to guarantee extractive communities' permanence and protection of the Amazon Rainforest. The CNS was founded in 1985 to defend the rights of tens of thousands of extractive workers who still live and work in the Amazon Rainforest.
An environmental disaster threatens the savanna lands
From SEJUP, News from Brazil, 5 June 1997. Due to agricultural intensification. World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) extol involvement of civil society in their projects.