The history of small-scale agricultural producers in Brazil

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Cops Massacre Farmers In Amazon
By Martin Koppel, The Militant 28 August 1995. Dozens of peasants were killed in northwestern Brazil August 9 when hundreds of cops attacked a farm occupied by some 500 families. The assault has sparked a national outcry against the government of President Fernando Cardoso, which has failed to carry out its promises of land reform.
Peasant Union In Brazil Organizes Land Takeover
By Martin Koppel, The Militant, 28 August 1995. The April First camp is one of several hundred settlements organized by the MST around Brazil, where the fight for land is heating up. Some 862 families are occupying this land and demanding the government recognize their legal right to it.
Details on the Massacre of Landless Workers in Eldorado (State of Para) Brazil
Rio Maria Committee of the United States, 25 April 1996. After the confrontation between the military police and the demonstrators, the military police relentlessly pursued the rural workers who fled into the woods seeking cover. The police conducted summary executions of the workers, shooting at point-blank range, using rifles and machine guns.
Landless Peasants Press For Agrarian Reform In Brazil
By Hilda Cuzco, The Militant, 1 July 1996. We are preparing for the general strike called for June 21, said Carlos Bellé, a leader of the Movement of the Landless Rural Workers (MST). The peasant organization has maintained close ties with the trade union movement and has linked its fight for land with demands for jobs and better working conditions—bringing the issue of agrarian reform in the forefront of politics in Brazil.
The Landless Workers Movement in Brazil
By Mark S. Langevin and Peter Rosset, News from Brazil, 17 September 1997. Marching behind Cicero were nearly five thousand landless rural workers, their families, and supporters. They came to demand land reform. Cicero was leading them into the very heart of Brazil's body politic, a year to the day after police forces carried out the country's largest massacre of landless rural families.