[World History Archives]

The retrospective history of
Boriken (Puerto Rico)

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   The history in general of Boriken (Puerto Rico)

Descubren importante yacimiento arqueologicó en Guayanilla
Por José Fernández Colón, El Nuevo Día Interactivo, San Juan. Construcción en el barrio Quebradas de Guayanilla permitió el hallazgo de un importante yacimiento arqueológico. Agregó que por la cantidad de yacimientos que se encuentran en el área, debió haber existido una gran población indígena en el lugar (in Spanish).
History of Vieques Island, Puerto Rico
By Wanda Bermúdez. A brief history, from Indian origins to the present.
100 Years Fighting Against U.S. Imperialism
By José Pérez, theMilitant. An excerpt from Puerto Rico: U.S. Colony in the Caribbean, by José G. Pérez (1976).
Puerto Ricans mark 100th anniversary of U.S. bombing
By Monica Somocurcio, Workers World. On May 12 1998, Puerto Ricans marked the 100th anniversary of the United States' bombardment of San Juan during the Spanish American War. Juan Mari Bras, a leading pro-independence and socialist leader, led a silent march through the streets of Old San Juan.
Commemorate Jayuya uprising for Puerto Rican independence
Announcement of a video on the life of Pedro Albisu Campos, made in Puerto Rico for the 100th anniversary of his birth, and a discussion of the Jayuya revolt, led by Blanca Canales on October 30 1950, against U.S. armed forces. Blanca was accompanied by the Nationalist Party's Liberation Army into the township of Jayuya, where the second republic was proclaimed. The uprising spread to nine other townships in Puerto Rico.