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Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 09:02:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Bob Corbett <bcorbett@crl.com>
To: Bob Corbett <bcorbett@crl.com>
Subject: Protestantism in Haiti: McAlister share bibliography 1
Message-Id: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960219090159.17669H-100000@crl13.crl.com>

Bibliography on Protestantism in Haiti

A dialog on Bob Corbett's Haiti list, February 1996

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 10:47:14 -0500 (EST)
From: Elizabeth Mcalister <elizabeth.mcalister@yale.edu>

I thought I would contribute my short bibliography on Protestantism in Haiti to those who are interested in further reading. These studies--and their bibliographies--will yield a great deal of information. My regards to everybody on the list--Liza McAlister

Brodwin, Paul. Political Contests and Moral Claims: Religious Pluralism and Healing in a Haitian Village. Ph.D Dissertation, Harvard University 1991

Conway, Frederick. Pentacostalism in the Context of Haitian Religion and Health Practice. Ph.D. dissertation, American University, Washington DC 1978.

Hurbon, Laennec. Study for Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientific on Guadeloupean Haitian Protestants?

Waters, Mary and Middleburg. Paper in Ethnic Studies, July '92

Tekle Mariam Woldimikael, Becoming Black American: Haitians and American Institutions in Evanston, Illinois (New York: AMS Press, 1989).

Charles-Poisset Romain, Le Protestantism Dans La Societe Haitienne, Impremerie Henri Deschamps, 1985.

David Stoll, Rethinking Protestantism in latin America

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 17:50:33 -0500
From: Leslie Desmangles <leslie.desmangles@mail.cc.trincoll.edu>

>I would like to add one more entry to your bibliography on Protestantism:

Hurbon, Laennec ed. Le Phenomene religieux dans la Caraibe: Guadeloupe, Guyane, Haiti. Montreal: Les Editions du CIDIHCA, 1989.

Leslie G. Desmangles, Chair
Department of Religion, Trinity College
Hartford, CT 06106-3100
(203) 297-2407 office
(203) 297-5358 fax

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 18:08:09 -0500 (EST)
From: GHI408@cnsvax.albany.edu

I came across two further citations pertaining to Protestantism and/or Voodoo that were not on Elizabeth Mcalister's recent post. If you read French, note the following:

La protestantisme Haitien (Haitian Protestantism) Catts Pressoir (P-au-P: Imprimerie de la Societe Biblique et des Livres Religieux d'Haiti, 1945, Vol 1; P-au-P, Imprimerie du Seminaire Adventiste, 1977, Vol 2) According to Frances Chambers (World Bibliographic Series, Vol 39: Haiti), wherein I saw this citation, this is the standard work on the history of the Protestant Churches in Haiti.

Of more interest to the recent discussion is an article discussing both Voodoo and Protestantism:

Vodou et Protestantisme Alfred Metraux. Revue de l'Histoire des Relgions, Vol 144, No 2 (Oct-Dec 1958), pp 198-216. Chambers comments: Discusses Voodoo and Protestantism in the Marbial Valley.

Glenn Inghram
UAlbany Hist Dept

Date: 19 Feb 96 19:13:48 EST
From: Greg Chamberlain <100074.2675@compuserve.com>

To which should be added:

GRIFFITHS, Leslie. History of Methodism in Haiti
(1991, Imprimerie Methodiste, PauP)

Date: Fri, 23 Feb 1996 08:29:37 -0800 (PST)
From: Bob Corbett <bcorbett@crl.com>

Thanks to Liza McAlister who started this out and for others who contributed. Here is the list as of 2/23/1996. Anyone wishing to add items please sent them to me.

Bob Corbett

Brodwin, Paul. Political Contests and Moral Claims: Religious Pluralism and Healing in a Haitian Village. Ph.D Dissertation, Harvard University 1991

Conway, Frederick. Pentacostalism in the Context of Haitian Religion and Health Practice. Ph.D. dissertation, American University, Washington DC 1978.

Griffiths, Leslie. History of Methodism in Haiti (1991, Imprimerie Methodiste, PauP)

Hurbon, Laennec ed. Le Phenomene religieux dans la Caraibe: Guadeloupe, Guyane, Haiti. Montreal: Les Editions du CIDIHCA, 1989.

Hurbon, Laennec. Study for Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientific on Guadeloupean Haitian Protestants?

Metraux, Alfred. Vodou et Protestantisme Alfred Metraux. Revue de l'Histoire des Relgions, Vol 144, No 2 (Oct-Dec 1958), pp 198-216. Chambers comments: Discusses Voodoo and Protestantism in the Marbial Valley.

Pressoir, Catts. La protestantisme Haitien (Haitian Protestantism) (P-au-P: Imprimerie de la Societe Biblique et des Livres Religieux d'Haiti, 1945, Vol 1; P-au-P, Imprimerie du Seminaire Adventiste, 1977, Vol 2) According to Frances Chambers (World Bibliographic Series, Vol 39: Haiti), wherein I saw this citation, this is the standard work on the history of the Protestant Churches in Haiti.

Charles-Poisset Romain, Le Protestantism Dans La Societe Haitienne, Impremerie Henri Deschamps, 1985.

David Stoll, Rethinking Protestantism in latin America

Tekle Mariam Woldimikael, Becoming Black American: Haitians and American Institutions in Evanston, Illinois (New York: AMS Press, 1989).

Waters, Mary and Middleburg. Paper in Ethnic Studies, July '92