The history of Protestantism in the Republic of Haiti

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Bibliography on Protestantism in Haiti
A dialog on Bob Corbett's Haiti list, February 1996. An effort to assemble a list of books and articles, which Corbett finally summarizes.
Evangelical missions in Haiti
Part of a dialog on Bob Corbett's Haiti list, February 1996. In particular, the collaboration of evangelical missions with right wing Duvalier dictatorship.
Exorcizing Boukman
This Week in Haiti, Haiti Progres, 5–11 August 1998. The origin of the 13-year Haitian revolution is traced to a voudou ceremony held at Bois Caiman, near the northern city of Cap Haitien, on the night of Aug. 13–14, 1791 and presided over by a slave and voudou priest named Boukman. Now 207 years later, a band of right-wing Protestants has launched an evangelical crusade to posthumously convert Boukman to Christianity.
Fencing out the People
By Babette Wainwright, May 5–11, 1999. Despite humanitarian claims, Milwaukee Church's Haiti Project serves as retreat from problems of the poor. The flood of missionaries as a force for U.S. economic and cultural imperialism.
Haitian Cops Capture U.S. Child Molester
Associated Press, 31 August 2003. Leyva, a self-ordained evangelist minister, traveled the eastern United States and Haiti in the l980s, conducting tent revivals. He convinced parents to allow their young sons to travel with him on tours, during which he sexually assaulted the boys and sold some of them off as prostitutes.