The history of Canadian trade

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Chrétien calls for global free trade—PM explains radical conversion
By Julian Beltrame, The Ottawa Citizen, 10 April 1997. The PM now supports NAFTA.
NDP Poised to Alter Position on NAFTA
By Peter O'Neil, Sun, Ottawa Bureau, 10 April 1997. The NDP shifts to right by dropping oppositon to NAFTA and adopting a critical acceptance.
Canadian Arms Exports (extracts)
From The Toronto Star, 14 December 1997. Canada increased its military exports to such countries as Algeria, Indonesia, China, India and Turkey last year. Military exports to the US, which account for the lion's share of Canada's defence industry output, are not included in the figures because they are not subject to export permits.
Free trade's many broken promises
By David Crane, Toronto Star, 15 January 1998. On Jan. 1, 1989 the free trade deal came into effect. From the Canadian point of view, there's not a lot to celebrate. What the Mulroney government, the business community, economists and think tanks promised for the most part never materialized.
Toronto Star reader's poll condemns ‘free trade’
From Citizens Concerned about Free Trade, 15 January 1998. 14% believe free trade has been good for Canada—86% don't think so!
U.S tops up with Canadian Oil
By Maude Barlow, The Toronto Globe & Mail, 26 September 2000. It's No Wonder Bill Clinton Opened US Oil Reserves. NAFTA Guarantees that he can top up his country's tank with canada's fuel. The debate over energy sovereignty a decade ago, just before Canada ceded total control of its oil and gas reserves in both the Canada-U.S. free-trade agreement and the North American free-trade agreement. Those deals left Canadians at the mercy of global prices and without the power to conserve these precious resources.