[World History Archives]

Resources for the study of the history of Asia as a whole

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   History in general of Asia

Course texts

Seeking suggestions on general histories of India and SE Asia to 1400
A dialog on H-Asia list, November 1997. Readings to support a revision of the chapters on Asia to 1400 in a college world history text.
Sec. School Texts on Eurasia
By Frey G. Barlow, 5 December 1997. Brief critique.
Survey 20th C. Asia text
A dialog on H-Asia List, April 1998. Seeks introductory texts for a survey course on 20th Century Asia for freshmen and sophomores.
Course on colonialism and its legacy: suggested readings
A dialog on H-Asia list, April 1999. Seeks book recommendations for a course on Asian colonial history that seriously engages the history of colonialism, rather than offer a a lit crit/ cultural studies perspective.
Texts on science in Asia
A dialog from H-Asia-L, May 1999. Recommendations for a course to be taught at the 300 level on the development of science in Asia, within a largely historical framework, with possible focus on medical sciences, and upon China and Japan.


Asia Comes Full Circles in a Round World
By Andre Gunder Frank, 12 May 1998. A Review Essay of Asia in Western and World History. A Guide for Teaching [AWWH] Edited by Ainslie T. Embree and Carol Gluck [for] Columbia Project on Asia in the Core Curriculum [CPACC].
How best to teach 'Asian' survey courses?
A dialog on H-Asia List, May-June 1998.
History of premodern Asia: a post-mortem (Teaching Asia surveys)
A dialog from H-Asia list, 18 December 1998.