The economic history of East Asia as a whole

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East Asia proves World Bank theory wrong
By Chakravarthi Raghavan, Third World Network Features, 22 May 1996. Discusses World Bank thesis that a high rate of integration into the world economy has stimulated economic development in East Asia.
Solidarity against the World Bank
By Gerard Greenfield, Asia Monitor Resource Center, 21 July 1997. Information on the World Bank/IMF meeting in Hong Kong planned for September 15th-26th.
Crisis Pushing Asian Capitalism Closer to U.S.-Style Free Market
By Nicholas D. Kristof, [17 January 1998]. The harsh reality of free-market capitalism might be unremarkable in the United States, but in Asia, nations have emphasized, not markets but government planning and long-term relationships. For the present at least, the Asian financial crisis is driving governments and businesses alike toward a more Adam Smith, market-oriented version of capitalism.
Let's revisit Asia's ‘Crony Capitalism’; America's free-trade proselytizing is the true root of what is now a global crisis
By Chalmers Johnson, President of the Japan Policy Research Institute, 8 July 1999. Addressing what caused the Asian economic crisis is the main business of the leaders of East Asia as they reflect on what has happened to them over the past two years. If they instead pretend that the road is still open to globalization in the Pacific, they risk being repudiated by their own people.