The history of trade in East Asia as a whole

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Taiwan Enticed by ‘Huge Market’ in China
By John Pomfret, Washington Post, 27 March 2000. Taiwan's businesses are becoming increasingly reliant on the mainland, not only for manufacturing but also for sales.
‘Snakeheads’ suspect arrested in Xiamen: He's accused of selling Chinese women in Taiwan
AFP, Xinhua, AP, The Straits Times, 12 July 2000. The head of a gang of snakeheads who sold Chinese women to Taiwan for prostitution has been arrested. The involvement of snakeheads suspected after 58 Chinese immigrants were found dead in a truck entering England last month. This has brought new awareness of the scale of the trade in humans and people-smuggling rackets.
E. Asia set to enter a new era of economic relations
By Larry Teo, The Straits Times, 26 November 2000. The new tripartite summit involving China, Japan and S. Korea will never become a North-east Asian caucus that will marginalise Asean. Annual tripartite summits and closer economic integration—by China, Japan and South Korea rang in a new era of inter-regional cooperation in East Asia as the Asean-plus-three summit wound up.
Start Of Cross-Strait Mini-Links: China boosts trade hold on Taiwan
The Straits Times, 4 January 2001. With the launch of unprecedented direct travel between Taiwan's two outlying islets and China's Fujian province, Beijing will have even more strings to pull on the Taiwan economy without having to resort to the use of force. The landmark move has already set Taiwan well on the road of reunification.