The working-class history of Henan Province

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Li Jiaqing's Letter from Prison to a Union Head
Letter by Li Jiaqing, China Labor Watch, 6 February 2001. The labor leader Li Jiaqing write from prison to the chairman of the labor union of the Paper Manufacture Plant in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. Assets are created and accumulated with hundreds and thousands people's youth, sweat and blood, and so we must protect them.
Teachers in Henan Go on Strike
Boxun News Network, 21 June 2001. Teachers in Henan, Baofeng County, went to strike on June 12 after they did not get paid for eight months. Teachers rented more than 10 trucks and cars, holding banners saying, We want to survive, we want food, we want to live.
Police pounce on mourners for Mao
Hong Kong iMail, 12 September 2001. Police detained four workers who marked the 25th anniversary of the death of Mao Zedong. The workers from local factories mourned at a statue of Mao to protest admission of private entrepreneurs to the Communist Party.
Retired Workers Protest Low Pension
China News Digest, 23 January 2002. Thousands of retired state-owned enterprise workers protested the government paid low pension in China's central Henan province.