The contemporary political history of the European Union (EU)

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McKenna says EU police force a threat to citizens' rights
By Jim Cusack, The Irish Times, 14 October 1997. Federal European police force, Europol, a threat to civil rights.
The European Union and the Future of Socialism
By James Steward, in Unity, publication of the Communist Party of Ireland, 22 May 1995. With the collapse of socialism in Europe, our continent is now dominated as never before by the European Union (EU). Its evolution and its impact are of vital significance for the working class of this continent.
U.S. official arrogance shows up in EU division
By William Pomeroy, People's Weekly World, 23 March 1996. US presumption of being policeman and problem solver for Europe ruffles EU feathers.
A Socialist alternative to the European Union
By Alan Woods, In Defense of Marxism, 4 June 1997. Despite the official optimism, the present boom is very fragile and unstable. Historical context for the question of European unity and the debate over Maastricht and monetary union. Far from being a step in the direction of free trade, the EU is a regional trading block. (140Kb)
EU Charter Gives Cops Greater Powers
By Dag Tirse'n, the Militant, 10 November 1997. The revision of the European charter in Amsterdam in June incorporated the Schengen convention with broadened police powers for social control.
European Union debates sanctions against Israel
Radio Havana Cuba, 8 April 2002. In the face of outright Israeli defiance against world opinion, the European Union today broached the possibility of applying economic sanctions against Tel Aviv if its attacks against the Palestinian Authority continue.