Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 11:56:41 GMT
Sender: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <LABOR-L@YORKU.CA>
From: LabourNet <chrisbailey@GN.APC.ORG>
Subject: Mersey dockers - Ron Dellums writes to Tony Blair

Mersey dockers—Ron Dellums writes to Tony Blair

Ron Dellums, 22 April 1997

Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
April 22, 1997

The Right Honorable Tony Blair
Member of Parliament
United Kingdom

Dear Mr. Blair:

It has come to my attention that the eighteen-month old industrial dispute on the Liverpool docks has still not been resolved. I was surprised to discover that Liverpool is the only port with a union workforce in England, a country with a proud trade union tradition that many in the United States sought to emulate. It seems incredible to me that 500 dockers were fired for honoring a picket line in light of this tradition.

On January 20th of this year, longshoremen on the West Coast of America, including the port of Oakland which I represent, engaged in a solidarity action along with workers in 104 other ports around the world to protest the unjust treatment of the Liverpool dock workers. It is inconceivable that their defeat would mean that not one port in England would be covered by a collectively-bargained union contract for dockworkers.

I would ask that you use your influence to remedy this situation as the British government owns 14% of the shares of Mersey Docks and Harbour Company. Please correct this gross injustice and ensure the reinstatement of the Liverpool dockers. I thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter of importance for working people the world over.


Ronald V. Dellums
Member of Congress