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Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 13:00:38 +0000
Sender: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <LABOR-L@YORKU.CA>
From: Jordi Martorell <socappeal@EASYNET.CO.UK>
Subject: URGENT Trade union repression at UPS Italy

Trade union repression at UPS Italy

From Jordi Martorell, 30 September 1997

Dear brothers and sisters,

Two shop stewards and another 6 workers from the Milan site of UPS Italy have just been sacked by the company. 23 other workers have been threatened with sacking. The move follows a series of strikes by UPS Italy workers in the Spring (see against subcontracting of the drivers, for better wages and conditions adn for trade union recognition. The two shop stewards, Antonio Forlano and Roberto Basso, are members of the UPS Italy shop stewards committee (RSU) and members of the FILT-CGIL (Italian Federation of Tranport Workers - Italian General Confederation of Labour).

Please send solidarity messages to:

Rsu Ups Mil=E1n: email: (c/o Antonio Forlano)
FAX + 39 2 5079253
Filt Cgil mil=E1n: FAX + 39 2 66987098
Filt Cgil Roma: FAX + 39 6 44296315

Contact UPS and express your protest against these sackings:

UPS Italy
Fax: + 39 2 55400180

UPS Britain
phone: 0345 877 877

UPS Canada and US:
1-800-PICKUPS (1-800-742-5877)
or e-mail

UPS Belgium SA
FREEPHONE: 0800-128.28

UPS France
FREEPHONE: 0800 877 877

United Parcel Service Deutschland Inc.
Telefax: 02131 / 947 22 33

UPS Nederland
0800-099 1300

UPS España
Tfno gratuito: 900 10 24 10

Please distribute this message as widely as you can.

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