The social aspect of the Russian working class

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Iron Fist of Gazprom Descends on Workers Fighting Chemical Contamination
International Solidarity with Workers in Russia, 16 July 2001. Four women who are leaders of the “Peoples Committees” set up last year by workers in Astrakhan are now awaiting court judgment after police attacked their picket line.
Serfdom Alive and Well in Russia
By Valeria Korchagina, Moscow Times, Friday 10, August 2001. Some 10,000 North Koreans are working in Russia under the supervision of their country's security forces and without legal protection, making them essentially serfs. The ministry refused to elaborate on the debt-for-labor scheme or how it calculates the value of the workers, who are classified as “goods.”
Broken dreams of Russia's Chinese workers
By Tony Cheng, BBC News, Monday 19 August 2002. The long unguarded Sino-Russian border has seen huge numbers of immigrants moving across it in the last 10 years. Increasingly large numbers are staying in the Russian Far East—where an estimated five million Chinese nationals now live illegally.
Russian trade union action day
UNI News, 10 June 2004. Thousand of hundreds trade union activists come out on the streets all over the Russia protesting reduction of social standards under motto “Say No to Reduction of Social Rights of Employees and Population!”.
Russian building workers' congress highlights success in organising Tajik migrant workers
International Federation of Building and Wood Workers, 26 October 2005. Presently holding its IV Congress in Moscow, IFBWW Russian affiliate, Construction and Building Materials Industry Workers' Union, highlights its success in organising migrant Tajik workers in the Russian Federation.