[World History Archives]

World class-collaborationism

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   Political action by the global working class

Workplace democracy - a cross-national perspective
By S. Wojciech Sokolwski, PNews 6 March 1996. A survey of world youth that assesses their support for class collaboration and for democratic contol of industry by state management.
Trade unions propose a "social partnership" to the G8
ICFTU Online..., 30 November 1997. Shows that unions from developed countries sometimes favor class collaboration in the form of "social partnerships." Article avoids specifying extent to which unions were willing to participate. Bill Jordan of the ICFTU speaks in favor of social partnershops.
German 'Team Concept'
By Harry Kelber, LaborTalk, 19 May 1998. Does the "team concept" increasingly favored by corporations promote labor-management cooperation and reduce authoritarian job supervision, or is it a way to increase production, while not expanding a worker's control over his or her job, a part of a corporate strategy to wean workers away from reliance on their union? Most labor activists believe it is the latter.
Chrysler Exchange of Views
A letter in the Handelsblatt, Germany, 25 November 2000, and a commentary on it by Gregg Shotwell, 28 November 2000. An assessment of the effect of class collaboration by IG Metall in Germany and the UAW in the U.S.