The history of language and literature in the Republic of Haiti

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Haitian Proverbs, Riddles, Jokes and Folktales
Compiled by Bob Corbett [n.d.] Analysis and examples of the genres.
Review of The Black Tsar, a 1927 short story by Paul Morand
Review by Bob Corbett, 2 June 1995. In Morand's Black Magic. Apparently author is a French visitor to Haiti fascinated with negritude.
A dialog on acrostiche
On Bob Corbett's Haiti list, January 1996. Background information and examples of acostiche and its function in wooing.
Jacques Roumain
Dialog on Bob Corbett's Haiti list, February 1996. An estimation of one of the most important figures in Haitian literature: Noirist, communist, political activist, diplomat, political exile, co-founder of La Revue Indigene: Les Arts et la Vie, in 1927 and founder of the Bureau d'Ethnologie in 1941. Review of a book of selections of Romain's prose and poetry.
Espresyon idyomatik ak fraz vebal (Idioms with verbal phrases)
From Emmanuel Vedrine, 4 November 1998. A long list of idioms in creole and their English translation.
On Creole and its role in Haitian society
By Max Blanchet, on Bob Corbett's Haiti list, 20 January 1999. Author reviews some facts about Creole then outlines a few recommendations that complement comments and suggestions offered on the Corbett list and on Windows-on-Haiti.
Carrié Paultre (1924-1999)
A Biography by Bryant C. Freeman (published in one of Paultre's books), posted on Bob Corbett's Haiti list, February 1999. Paultre Creolist, editor and chief writer.
Introducing Open Gate,; An anthology of Haitian creole poetry
By Paul Laraque, This Week in Haiti, Haiti Progres, 2–8 January 2002. The poet and political struggle.
Poetry in Haitian Creole (Bibliography research)
By Emmanuel W. Vedrine <>, 29 January 2003. List of publications on creole literature.
Haiti's First Language Still Running Second
By Jane Regan, IPS, 26 November 2003. 16 years after making Creole one of two official languages in Haiti (the other is French), and 200 years after the language helped unite slaves for struggle against their French masters, Creole is still fighting for its place.