[World History Archives]

History of Cuban foreign relations

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   The contemporary political history in general of Cuba

Mandela: Cuba shared the trenches with us; S. African president praises `unparalleled internationalism'
By Argiris Malapanis and Roman Kane, in the Militant, 23 October 1995. President Nelson Mandela at the opening of a Cuba-Southern Africa solidarity conference in Johannesburg on October 6.
Cuba and the World Trade Org'n
From Granma International News correspondents, 13 June 1996. The countries of the European Union, Canada and Mexico, and all nations of the OAS - apart from the US - disagree with Helms-Burton's assumed US rights to legally attack - in US Courts - any country which trades with Cuba, and are pressing ahead with legal advice to ascertain the better way to approach their next move.
Statement of Policy: Cuba. Labor Party chapter condemns Helms-Burton
The Columbia River/Willamette Chapter of the Labor Party, 21 September 1996.policy statement was adopted by unanimous vote at a regular meeting of the Columbia River/Willamete Valley Chapter of the Labor Party by members of the trade union movement in the Portland, Oregon area: USW, AFSCME, Longshoremen, Oregon Teachers Association, Teamsters, Northwest Labor Council and others.
Seventh U.S.-Cuba Friendshipment breaks the blockade
By Eileen Reardon, People's Weekly World, 24 May 1997. The Eastern segment of the seventh Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba, loaded with 400 tons of humanitarian aid for Cuban children, crossed the International Peace Bridge into Canada.
Cuba solidarity conference opens tomorrow in Hanoi
CubaNews from Radio Havana, Cuba, 11 June 1997. An Asian Solidarity with Cuba Conference takes place in Vietnam. The main issue is Washington's blockade against Cuba and the latest U.S. congressional measures to tighten the extraterritorial nature of recent legislation.
Official Guatemalan Delegation to Visit Cuba; Other Countries Follow Suit
Centr-Am News, week of Sept. 13-19, 1998. A group of some 50 Guatemalan business people, led by Guatemalan vice-president Luis Flores, begin a five-day visit to Cuba.