The history of the Zapatista National Liberation Army

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The Third Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle
La Jornada, 2 January 1994. The EZLN calls for the formation of a National Liberation Movement.
Chiapas: Report on Events of Previous Weeks and the Beginning of a New Stage
By Miguel Alvarez, Executive Secretary, CONAI, 5 January 1995.
Zapatismo: What the EZLN is fighting for
By Jason Wehling, in the University Sentinel, 10 January, 1995.
Mexico-Political Update and Chase Manhattan’s Emerging Markets Group memo
By Riordan Roett, 13 January 1995.
Things Are Going To Be Difficult For The EZLN. . .
Interview With Salvador Castaneda about The Zapatistas' Struggle, Arm the Spirit, 21 January 1995.
US Bank Orders Hit on Marcos
By Brad Parsons, 10 February 1995.
Mexican gov’t threatens Zapatistas as progressive forces meet
By Teresa Gutierrez, Workers World, 16 February 1995.
Chiapas—make the banks pay
By Craig Benjamin, 16 February 1995. With a collection of documents.
Chiapas rebels finger Chase and Trilateral Commission
24 February 1995.
The Chiapas war and U.S.-backed loans to Mexico
By Tom Moore, People’s Weekly World, 25 March 1995.
Chiapas is a war of ink and Internet
By Rodolfo Montes (translated), Reforma, 26 April 1995.
EZLN International Plebiscite for Zapatista National Liberation Army of Mexico
August 1995.