The history of Native Americans
in Bolivia

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Making the Leap from Local Mobilization to National Politics
By Xavier Albo, NACLA Report on the Americas, March-April 1996. Lowlanders March to La Paz protesting logging on indigenous lands and demanding legal rights to these lands, are joined by Ayamara highlanders. Ideological significance of the solidarity of different ethnic groups from Andes and Amazon. Progress since the 1990 mobilitzation. The Popular Participation Law.
Mensaje de Rigoberta Menchu Tum a los Pueblos Indigenas de Bolivia
23 September 1996. Las demandas de los pueblos indigenas de Bolivia, que son en gran parte demandas de los pueblos indigenas del mundo, sometidos a condiciones inhumanas de explotacion e injusticia, de discriminacion, racismo e intolerancia y que los coloca en condiciones de vida lamentables, deben llamar la atenci'on de las autoridades bolivianas. Appended is a declaration by Rigoberta, ante las acciones contra la corrupcion y la impunidad (in Spanish).
Gobierno Otorga Concesiones Forestales en Territorios Indigenas
From the Asociacion Ecologica del Oriente, 20 August 1997.
The indigenous movement is threatening a blockade of the capital La Paz
From Earl Gilman, Workers Democracy Network, Socorro Obrero Sindical, El Nuevo Topo, [15 July 2001]. Conference of indigenous leaders demands the government drop charges of armed uprising against Felipe Quispe. The entry of the military in Huarina; the forced lifting of the blockade has enraged the peasants on the pampa. The Red Ponchos in La Paz, The secretary of The Confederation of Peasant Workers of Bolivia (CSUTB) says rural teachers and transport workers are supporting the movement.